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例句 He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.他已经命令军官要倍加严格地管住自己的手下。My job was to keep the garden in trim.我的工作就是打理花园。The swings and seesaw should keep the kids happy after they finish building sandcastles.孩子们堆完沙堡之后,荡秋千、玩跷跷板应该会让他们开心的。He says he's just trying to keep it real.他说他只是在努力表现真实的自己。Talk out your problems. Do not keep them bottled up.把问题说出来,别都憋在心里。She put Christmas decorations in the window just to keep up appearances.她把圣诞饰品放在橱窗里只是为了装点门面。The troops withheld fire to keep the situation from escalating.为了避免事态升级,部队停火了。It's difficult to keep your self-respect when you have been unemployed for a long time.你在长时间失业之后,就很难保持自尊了。Even in the most spotless homes, carpets need regular cleaning to keep them looking good.即便是在最干净的房子里,地毯也需要定期清洁以保持美观。She tends to keep her opinions close to her chest.她往往把自己的想法藏在心里。Some new teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.有些新教师发现难以维持他们班上的秩序。 The engines were fired with coal and needed water to keep the steam up.这些发动机烧煤,并且需要加水以不断产生蒸汽。I'm sorry to call at such an awkward time but I won't keep you a minute.对不起,我打电话不是时候,不过我不会耽搁你很久的。Why are those dogs kicking up such a row? Can't somebody keep them quiet?那几条狗为什么叫得这样凶?不能使它们安静下来?There was nothing to keep me in the city.没有什么事能让我留在城市里。The new computers won't arrive until next week, but we can keep using the old ones in the meanwhile.新计算机下星期才到,但在此期间我们可以继续使用旧计算机。His parents have released new pictures of their son to keep his memory alive.他父母发布了他的新照片来缅怀他。You can keep your shoes on.你可以不脱鞋。Teachers can keep students’ interest by varying their classes.老师可以通过变换上课的方式来保持学生的兴趣。If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger.必要时,飞艇能在那里停留数天以躲避危险。We have screens on our windows to keep out the flies.我们窗户上有纱窗以挡苍蝇。I don't see friends very often. I prefer to keep myself to myself.我不经常见朋友,宁愿独处。The dessert will spoil if you don't keep it in the fridge.如果你不把甜点放在冰箱里,它会坏掉的。Why can't we just keep things simple?我们为什么不能让事情就这样简单呢?We need to keep a tight grip on costs.我们需要严格控制成本。People are tired of hearing politicians make promises that they never keep.大众对政客们作出承诺又从不兑现感到非常厌烦。Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes.窗户上装了纱窗以防蚊子。It took him all his time to keep his temper.他好不容易才捺住性子。 You have the right to keep people off your land.你有权不让别人进入你的地盘。They tried everything they could think of to keep the business going.他们尝试了所有能想到的办法来让公司继续运转。It is impossible for him to keep a secret when he is in drink.要他在喝醉时守住秘密是不可能的。He will want to keep the spotlight on the divisions within the party.他希望能继续关注党内的分歧。Peace could come in this country if only all the intervenors would keep their noses out.只要所有的干涉者不插手,和平就可以在这个国家实现。He began to keep a journal and was faithful to it for years. 他开始写日记,并坚持了多年。You must record and keep a file of all expenses.你必须记录所有的开销并将其归档。The scarf is beautiful but too thin and insubstantial to keep you warm.这条围巾虽然漂亮,但是太薄,不保暖。He promised to keep up his end of the agreement. 他承诺完成协议中他应该履行的部分。How can I explain if you keep on interrupting me?你老是打断我,我怎么解释呢?As long as we keep playing well, we'll keep winning games.只要我们一直都打得好,我们就会一直赢下去。I keep canaries and budgerigars in my outdoor aviary.我在室外鸟舍饲养金丝雀和虎皮鹦鹉。




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