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词汇 omission
例句 The student's omission from the honour roll was an oversight.光荣榜上漏列那名学生是个疏忽。He has always been a notable omission from the list.他总是被排除在名单之外,这是显而易见的。He is responsible through acts of omission and commission for grave violations of human rights.他应对自己有意无意严重违反人权的行为负责。I believe that the omission of my name was intentional.我相信我的名字是故意被遗漏的。His song was the only omission from the programme.唯有他的演唱从节目单上删去。It seems ages since I wrote to you. I decided to repair the omission as I wasn't busy this evening.从上次给你写信以来似乎好久好久了,今晚不忙,我决定来弥补一下这一疏失。I'm sure the omission of my name was deliberate.我敢肯定我的名字是被故意漏掉的。I apologize for the omission of your name from the list. It was not intentional.很抱歉在名单上遗漏了你的名字。我不是故意的。He described their omission from the team as the hardest decision he has taken.他说把他们排除在球队之外是他所做出的最艰难的决定。The accident was not caused by any act or omission of the gas company.这起事故并非因煤气公司的行为或疏忽造成。For this omission Laura had a plethora of excuses.对此疏忽劳拉的借口多得很。There is still one glaring omission from his summary of events.他对事件的总结仍然有一个明显的疏漏。The occasion called for a special prayer, and its omission was inexcusable.这种场合需要做一个特别的祷告,如果忘了的话将是不可原谅的错误。The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight.第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。There was one serious omission from the document.这份文件有一处严重的疏漏。The duke was surprised by his wife's omission from the guest list.公爵对他的夫人未在获邀宾客之列感到意外。I am surprised by her omission from the team.她未被列入球队,这让我感到惊讶。He was surprised by his wife's omission from the list.他对自己的妻子未列入名单感到惊讶。These textbooks tend to sin by omission rather than admission.这类课本往往失之于过简而不是过繁。I notice one glaring omission from your list.我发现你列的清单上有一处明显遗漏。In preparing this handbook the author cannot hope to have escaped the sin of omission.作者在编写这本手册时不免有疏漏之处。He couldn't forget her cruelties to his younger self, her crimes of omission and commission.他不能忘记他小时候她对他的残忍,那些她有意无意犯下的罪行。One cannot help being struck by a surprising omission.所有人不由得因为一处出人意料的遗漏而感到震惊。Your failing to note her mistakes is a serious omission.你没有注意到她的错误,是个严重的疏漏。




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