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词汇 城市
例句 Culture was not very high in the city's list of priorities.文化不是这个城市最优先发展的事业。The city itself is fairly small.这个城市本身相当小。The city was embroiled in traffic bottlenecks.这个城市由于交通堵塞而陷于混乱状态。The city has several shopping districts.这个城市有几个商店区。Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem.虽说芝加哥比其他一些城市情况好些,但失业仍是个问题。This town is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out.这个城市恶名昭彰,它把人作践了,然后抛弃掉。The city lacks personality.这座城市缺乏特色。Antwerpers are so convinced that their city is best that other Belgians think them chauvinists.安特卫普人深信他们的城市是最好的,使得其他比利时人认为他们具有盲目的优越感。For me, Venice is easily the most beautiful city in Europe.对我来说,威尼斯绝对是欧洲最美丽的城市The city has long been known as a scene of racial intolerance and discord.这个城市长期以来就以种族不容和分歧之地而闻名。A quiet calm settled over the city.城市中万籁俱寂。The people who are supposed to be keeping the city clean have been falling down on the job.那些本应做好城市保洁工作的人一直都不尽职。She charged the city thousands of dollars for her work.她向这个城市索取数千美元的劳务报酬。The city compares favourably / favorably with other parts of Brazil.这个城市比巴西的其他地方好。Bombs annihilated the city.轰炸摧毁了整个城市The city began building a defensive wall around its borders.这座城市开始在周边建一道防御墙。Drying laundry must not be allowed to peek out from behind the city's balcony walls.这座城市不准许将阳台晾晒的衣物外露。A whole city was made naught by the bomb.整个城市被炸成平地。As long as the UN soldiers were present, the city was regarded as a safe haven for the refugees.只要联合国士兵驻扎在此,这座城市就是难民们的避难所。The bombed city was completely reconstructed.遭到轰炸的城市已经完全重建。The city is in the extreme northern part of the state.这座城市位于这个州的最北端。When the landfill is full, the city will have to find someplace else to dump the garbage.垃圾填埋地满了,那座城市得找其他地方倾倒垃圾。This outback area is a far cry from the city's concrete jungle.这个内陆地区和混凝土丛林般的城市大不相同。The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events.这座城市把体育活动和文化活动结合在一起,很有吸引力。According to some estimates, almost two thirds of the city has been destroyed by the earthquake.根据有些人估计,这个城市近三分之二遭到了地震的破坏。The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.俄国人必须俯冲轰炸那些城市才能重新获得控制权。The town has no airport but there is a landing pad near the hospital.这座城市没有机场,但医院附近有一处停机坪。It's quite a city, Boston.波士顿真是座不同寻常的城市The city got walloped by a major blizzard.一场特大暴风雪让这座城市备受摧残。The earthquake leveled the city.这场地震将整个城市夷为平地。He told us of his plans to move to the city.他告诉我们,他计划搬到城市去。Three bank robberies have happened lately in the city.城市最近发生了三起银行抢劫案。Oxford is twinned with Grenoble in France.牛津和法国的格勒诺布尔结为姐妹城市The drumbeat gradually blended into the ordinary city noises.鼓声渐渐和城市中常有的喧闹声交织在一起。A cloud of gloom has descended over the city.忧伤的阴云降临到这座城市It's just one of those characterless modern cities.这不过是那些毫无特色的现代化城市之一。The city was built in the days before sanitation, and no house owned a latrine.建这座城市时还没有排污设施,所以家家户户都无厕所。Cities such as Tokyo are spreading out.像东京这样的城市正在向外扩展。We mourned the loss of our cities.我们为失去多座城市而痛心。She decided to move from the city after she was mugged for the third time in less than a year.在不到一年的时间里被人抢劫了三次之后,她决定搬走,离开这个城市




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