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词汇 城堡
例句 The castle lay in ruins.城堡已成废墟。He grabbed at the opportunity to buy the castle.他抓住机会买下了那座城堡We'd like to visit the castle.我们想去游览那座城堡He wrote a book with the title `The Castle'.他写了一本名为《城堡》的书。Guides take the non-stop stream of visitors around the castle.导游带领络绎不绝的游客参观城堡A fire had devastated large parts of Windsor Castle.一场大火烧毁了温莎城堡的大部分。The island is surmounted by a huge black castle.岛的最高处耸立着一座巨大的黑色城堡He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land.他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。During the festival the castle was floodlit every night.节日期间,城堡每夜都被泛光灯照得通明。This road leads up to the castle.这条路一直通向城堡According to local lore, a ghost still haunts the castle.根据当地人的传说,城堡里至今仍然闹鬼。To many local people these castles represent a hundred years of foreign domination.对许多当地居民说来,这些城堡是百年外国统治的象征。Prince Charles was being invested as Prince of Wales at Caernarvon Castle.查尔斯王子在卡那封城堡被正式册封为威尔士亲王。The following night the delegates will be bussed to the beautiful Springfield Castle.第二天晚上大客车将送代表们到美丽的斯普林菲尔德城堡The castle was surrounded by high walls.城堡四周围着高墙。The castle towers above the harbour.城堡矗立在港口。The castle is perched on a massive outcrop of rock.城堡建于一块突出的巨大岩石上。Although the cathedral and the castle are both noticeable, the cathedral dominates.虽然大教堂和城堡都令人瞩目,但大教堂尤胜一筹。They travelled to Camelot and thence to the castle.他们去了亚瑟王宫,然后去了城堡What overshadows everything else is the castle.城堡使其他一切都相形见绌。The castle's history is steeped in blood.这个城堡的历史浸满了鲜血。The castle has also been used as a film location.城堡也被用作电影外景地。All was calm at the fort that night.那晚城堡内风平浪静。The house is like a small-scale castle.这座房子就像是一座小型的城堡He would never yield up the castle to the English.他绝不会把城堡让给英格兰人。The castle is now in ruins.城堡现在已成废墟。Defence was all-important, and castles were designed with this end in view.防御最为重要,城堡的设计考虑到了这一目的。The Earl had installed a steward to manage the castle household.伯爵雇用了一位管家来管理城堡内务。There were cisterns to catch rainwater as it ran off the castle walls.雨水顺着城堡的墙壁流下时会流入蓄水池。A cannon ball had made a breach in their castle walls.一颗炮弹在他们城堡的墙上打出了一个缺口。Let's take a trip up the Rhine and stop at some of the castles along the way.我们沿莱茵河旅行去吧,一路上在几个城堡停留一下。The enemy troops stormed the castle.敌军对城堡发动猛攻。They want to restore the castle to its former glory.他们想重现城堡昔日雄伟壮观的面貌。A settlement grew up around the castle.城堡周围逐渐发展成一片居住地。Windsor is open to visitors when the Royal Family is not in residence.王室未在温莎城堡居住期间,城堡会对游客开放。The castle looks fantastic by moonlight.城堡在月光下看起来棒极了。The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls.古老的常春藤紧紧攀附在破败的城堡墙上。Durham, with its cathedral and castle, is a popular tourist centre.达勒姆有大教堂和城堡,是个十分受欢迎的旅游中心。Then the towers of the castle came into sight.随后进入视野的是城堡的塔楼。Richard was now safe inside his castle.理查德目前在他的城堡里是安全的。




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