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词汇 城墙
例句 Considerable remains survive of the great city walls.城墙有很大一部分保存了下来。The city's ramparts crumbled long ago.这座城市的城墙很久以前就崩塌了。A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts.一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙Troy is a strong and prosperous nation based around a city whose walls have proven impregnable to attack.特洛伊是一个强盛的城邦,中心城市的城墙坚不可破。The city walls were built as a defence against invaders.城墙建成抵御侵略者的防御工事。A wall surrounds the old city.城墙围绕着这座古城。The tower was part of the ramparts of the city.这座塔楼原是城墙的一部分。The army was encamped beneath the castle walls.部队在城墙下安营。I climbed to the top of a rise overlooking the ramparts.我爬到了一个可以俯瞰护城墙的坡顶。The ancient city was fringed with wall.这座古城四周围著城墙Blocks of flats have been holed and some shells have fallen within the historic ramparts.几栋公寓楼被炸出了窟窿,几枚炮弹还落在了古护城墙内。Perhaps the tower was part of the ramparts of the city.这城楼或许就是城墙的一部分。The Romans built a defensive wall around the city.罗马人在城的四周筑起城墙Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot.安东尼拿着照相机下了车,走向离城墙更远的地方,为拍摄构图。The city's walls were peppered with bullets.城墙被子弹打得满目疮痍。The church is just beyond the city walls.教堂就在城墙的那一边。The enemy's fierce attack finally breached the wall.敌人猛烈进攻,终于攻破城墙If you go further into the countryside, you will come across a number of unspoilt medieval walled villages.如果你再深入这片乡村地区,会看到一些尚未遭受破坏的中世纪带城墙的村落。The walled city is an important tourist attraction.这座由城墙围绕的城市是个重要的旅游胜地。The soldiers scaled the walls of the fortress by turrets.士兵透过塔车攀登上了要塞的城墙The enemy mined under the wall.敌人在城墙下挖坑道。




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