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词汇 stairs
例句 I heard steps on the stairs.我听见楼梯上的脚步声。He stood at the bottom of the stairs, glaring up at us.他站在楼梯下面,抬头瞪着我们。The stairs are a little uneven, so be careful you don't trip.楼梯有点不平,小心别绊倒了。The kids clumped up the stairs in their boots.孩子们穿着靴子咚咚咚地走上楼梯。Racing up the stairs, he almost collided with Daisy.他疾走上楼,差点撞上黛西。He walked ponderously up the stairs.他步履蹒跚地爬楼梯。He came pounding down the stairs.他咚咚地跑下楼梯。When I reached the top of the stairs I was puffing and panting like an old steam engine.我爬到楼梯顶时喘得就像一台老式的蒸汽发动机。She took a tumble down the stairs. 她滚下了楼梯。The stairs lead above to the bedrooms.顺着楼梯上去就是卧室。He was waiting for me at the top of the stairs.他在楼梯顶端等我。Her feet went pitapat on the stairs.她在楼梯上噼噼啪啪地跑。He fell down a flight of stairs.他从楼梯跌下了一层台阶。He was blowing as he climbed the stairs.上楼时他直喘气。He made a misstep and fell down the stairs.他失足从楼梯上摔了下来。Whenever I'm late, as sure as fate I meet the boss on the stairs.像命中注定的,每次迟到我都在楼梯上碰到老板。His feet came thudding up the stairs.他的脚砰砰砰走上楼梯。The bathroom is up the stairs.卫生间在楼上。Hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs.楼梯上传来急促的脚步声。I realised how unfit I was when I tried to run up the stairs.我想跑上楼梯时意识到自己的身体是多么的虚弱。Steps thudded on the stairs.脚步在楼梯上发出噔噔声。There's a broom cupboard under the stairs.楼梯下有一个清洁用具橱。I ran up the stairs.我跑上了楼梯。He came rushing down the stairs, barging into the crowd of people at the bottom.他冲下楼梯,向下面的人群猛撞过去。What stupid idiot left their shoes on the stairs?是哪个白痴把鞋落在楼梯上了?Scarlet with rage, she swept past her employer and stormed up the stairs.她气得涨红了脸,大摇大摆地经过她的上司,冲上了楼。I carried my suitcase up the stairs behind her.我提着箱子跟在她后面上楼。The sportsman tore up the stairs two steps at a time.运动员两级一跨地飞奔上楼。She tripped and tumbled down the stairs.她失足滚下楼梯。I left my briefcase at the top of the stairs.我把公文包落在楼梯顶端了。I was breathless after climbing the stairs.爬完楼梯后我就上气不接下气了。She pelted down the stairs in her nightgown.她穿着睡袍急匆匆地走下楼梯。I could hear him clumping down/up the stairs.我能听到他嗵嗵地走下/上楼。She was running down the stairs, her hair flying.她从楼上跑下来,长发飘动着。He was panting from the exertion of climbing the stairs.他爬楼梯累得气喘吁吁。She stood at the head of the stairs and surveyed the spectacle.她站在楼梯顶上注视着这一奇观。I've been getting these pains in my back ever since I fell down the stairs.我从楼梯上摔下来以后,就一直背痛。I could always recognise my mother's footsteps as she scurried up the stairs.我总能听得出母亲匆匆跑上楼的脚步声。Those stairs kill me every time!上那些楼梯每次都累得我要命!She lay on the stairs, whimpering in pain.她躺在楼梯上,痛苦地抽泣着。




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