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词汇 继承
例句 The law on inheritance gave daughters and sons equality.有关遗产继承的法律对儿子和女儿一视同仁。Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?假如继承了一大笔钱,你会辞掉工作吗?She laid claim to her father's crown.她根据权利要求继承父亲的王位。They have inherited a rich tradition of music and dance.他们继承了音乐和舞蹈的丰富传统。The estate fell to his brother. 这笔财产由他哥哥继承He went through all the money he inherited.他把继承的遗产挥霍一空。He inherited a lucrative business from his father.他从父亲那里继承了一家赚大钱的公司。He inherited a fortune but blew it on bad investments and a luxurious lifestyle.继承了一大笔钱,但是他把钱挥霍在不当的投资和奢侈的生活方式上了。Harry inherited the house and a sizeable chunk of land.哈里继承了这座房子以及相当大的一片土地。She received a small legacy from her aunt.她从姨妈那里继承了一小笔遗产。He had made a few inquiries and learnt that she inherited the money from her father.他作了一些侦查,发现这笔钱是她从父亲那里继承来的。Otis despised inherited wealth and social class.奥蒂斯蔑视继承得来的财富和社会等级。She felt she had been diddled out of her inheritance.她觉得自己继承的遗产被骗走了。Having inherited the money, she knew that things would now be much better.继承了这笔钱后,她知道由此情况就会好很多。She inherited our father's thick, wavy hair.继承了我们父亲那头浓密的卷发。On his accession to the throne, he inherited vast estates.他一登上王位就继承了大宗财产。She inherited $50,000 but gambled it away.继承了五万美元,但是全赌输了。He inherited a handsome fortune.继承了一大笔财产。He inherited the baronetcy from his father.继承了父亲的准男爵爵位。Under the terms of the will, Mallory could only inherit the family home if he agreed to continue living there.根据遗嘱规定,马洛里只有答应继续住在家里,才能继承家宅。She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.她从祖母那里继承了一笔数目可观的遗产。She came into a bit of money when her grandfather died.祖父死后,她继承了一小笔钱。He disclaimed a share in his uncle's estate.他放弃叔父遗产中由他继承的一份。On your decease, the house passes to your wife.你去世后,这座房子由你妻子继承She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.她担心她继承的遗产会被继母夺走。Henry attempted to secure the succession to the office.亨利试图继承这个职位。When the king died childless, his brother assumed the crown. 国王去世时无子嗣,他的弟弟继承了王位。He believes that he is entitled by right to inherit from his father, despite his father's will.他相信尽管父亲立了遗嘱,他还是有权继承父亲的财产的。The house will devolve to his daughter.房屋将由他女儿继承The house came to him on his father's death.父亲死后那房子由他继承My father has just come into a fortune.我父亲刚刚继承了一大笔财产。She inherited a fortune from her grandmother.她从祖母那里继承了一大笔财产。He is a doctor and expects his son to follow in his footsteps.他是医生,期盼儿子继承他的事业。He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne.他即位后继承了大片领地。Taxes ate into his inheritance.继承的遗产因缴了税而缩水。The son inherited his father's chattel.儿子继承了他父亲的家财。He got diddled out of his inheritance.继承的财产被骗走了。She made a conscious attempt to explore her Jewish heritage.她有意识地探索自己继承的犹太人传统。The only child acceded to the family estate.这个独生子继承了家产。My dad and granddad were both carpenters, and my brother is carrying on the tradition. 我爸爸和爷爷都是木匠,我哥哥继承了他们的职业。




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