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词汇 stages
例句 The symptoms are mild in the initial stages of the disease.这种病的早期症状是轻微的。Many amputees in the early stages of their rehabilitation feel despair.在康复初期,许多截肢病人感到绝望。This is a sight not often seen on concert stages in this country.这一情景在该国音乐舞台上不常见。Caterpillars go through several stages of growth.蛾的幼虫要经历好几个生长阶段。During childhood each of us has to navigate a pathway through a series of developmental stages.我们每个人在童年时都要经历和应对不同的成长阶段。Breast cancer is curable when caught in the early stages.早期发现的话乳腺癌可以治愈。The school stages two plays each year.这所学校每年演出两部戏剧。Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers.史蒂夫和我在各自的职业生涯中处于迥然不同的阶段。The stages in her love affair with Harry are perceptively written.她和哈里恋爱的各阶段写得非常细腻深刻。The uphill stages of the race will really separate the sheep from the goats.上坡的几个赛段会真正拉开选手们的距离。Students progress through the stages of the course.学生随着课程的不同阶段循序渐进取得进步。This plot revolves around a youngster who is shown various stages of his life.这个故事情节围绕着一个年轻人展开,描述了他人生的各个阶段。He steered the company through the initial stages of privatization.他引导公司度过了私有化的最初阶段。I was only involved in the initial stages of the planning.我只参与了最初几个规划阶段。We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.我们希望在决策过程中的各个阶段都有职工参与。He just could not make up the leeway from the earlier stages in which Ryan scored well.瑞安在前几轮一路得分,他现在再想赶也赶不上了。The phenomenon occurs in the early stages of pregnancy.这种现象出现在怀孕早期。For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages.但免疫疗法目前仍处于实验阶段。There's a dreamlike quality to the final stages of the movie.这部影片的最后几个场景有梦幻般的效果。The architect's plans are still in the preliminary stages.建筑师的设计仍处于初步阶段。He learned French by easy stages.他循序渐进地学会了法语。Teamwork was very important in the later stages of the project.协同工作在项目后期非常重要。The project is still in its very early stages.该项目仍处于它的初期阶段。In the latter stages of the fight he began to tire.到那场拳击赛的后半段他开始支持不住了。The aircraft is still in the early stages of testing and production.这种飞机尚在测试和制造的初期。He needed round-the-clock care in the later stages of his illness.在患病的晚期,他需要全天候的照料。Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality.沃伦也承认资本主义发展初级阶段可能会导致社会不平等现象加剧。The life cycle typically incorporates the following stages...生命周期通常包括以下几个阶段⋯We renovated the house in two stages.我们分两个阶段整修了房子。In the last stages of dementia, persons will be spatially and temporally disoriented.到了痴呆症后期,患者的时空感会发生错乱。We now know a lot more about the early stages of planetary formation.我们现在对行星形成过程的早期阶段有了更多的了解。The movement was then still in its formative stages.那时,这场运动尚处于形成阶段。We're decorating the house in stages so it won't be ready for another couple of months.我们在逐步装修房子,所以还得几个月才能就绪。Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages.大部分皮肤癌如果在早期发现是可以完全治愈的。When baseball was in its rudimentary stages, different teams played by different rules.棒球运动发展早期,不同的球队按照不同的规则进行比赛。She is in the terminal stages of cancer.她处于癌症晚期。This type of cancer is difficult to detect in its early stages.这种癌症早期很难发现。We'll show you how to rebrand your organization in ten easy stages.我们会向你们展示如何通过十个简单步骤重塑公司形象。Planning is still in its embryo stages.计划仍处在萌芽期。The old houses were in various stages of dilapidation.这些老房子处于不同程度的失修状态。




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