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词汇 staff
例句 The team's poor play is being blamed on the ineptitude of the coaching staff.球队的拙劣表现有人归咎于教练组的无能。His staff were unable to contact him by telephone.他的员工无法通过电话和他取得联系。She is a member of staff, and like all of us, she has duties to fulfil.她也是一名员工,和我们一样,她也要履行职责。The new editor will ride herd on the staff, checking on the overall policy and tone of the paper.新编辑将要管理全体职员,检查该份报纸的总体政策和风格。The staff looked at the financial picture of the company.员工查看了公司的财务状况。The Government will not allow the staff association to affiliate with outside unions.政府不会允许其公务员协会与外部工会有紧密联系。Sachs was a shrewd judge of character, and chose his staff well.萨克斯善于洞察人心,把自己的工作班子选得很得力。I'm trying to get a new visa, but the embassy staff keep giving me the runaround.我想要办理新签证,但是使馆人员老是推诿不给我办。The staff is still reorganizing the files according to the new system.全体员工仍在根据新系统重组文档。We need a minimum number of two staff members on duty at lunchtime.午餐时间我们至少需要两名员工值班。Our sales staff are always pleased to help.我们的销售员总是乐意提供帮助。He collared her in the staff room at lunchtime and started telling her about his holiday plans.中午他在员工休息室里逮到她,就开始说起他的休假计划来。He failed to act on the advice of his staff. 他没按照他参谋的建议行事。He quickly relayed this news to the other members of staff.他马上就把这个消息转告给了其他员工。An efficient staff of workers replenished the trays of appetizers almost as quickly as guests emptied them.客人们刚吃完开胃菜,一名手快的员工立刻又把盘子添满了。Police evacuated hotel guests after staff received a bomb threat.员工收到炸弹恐吓以后,警方疏散了酒店客人。There will be no pay increases for staff at secretarial level and below.秘书级别及其以下的工作人员将不增加工资。All the staff at the nursing home seemed very capable.疗养院的所有员工好像都非常能干。Though his staff is often confused by the way he runs the office, I've found that there's method in his madness.虽然他的员工常常对他管理的方式感到困惑,但我发现他的那些古怪做法还是有相当道理的。Are you tapping your staff's full potential?你是不是充分挖掘了员工的潜力?These new ideas have not yet filtered down to sales staff.这些新想法还没有传到销售人员那里。Relationships between the staff and the prisoners are good.狱警和犯人友好相处。The sales staff are all knowledgeable, helpful, and cheerful.销售员全都知识丰富、乐于助人、性格开朗。The staff is making preparations to move to another building. 全体员工正为搬入另一栋楼做准备。There is ample evidence that both managers and staff perform better in flexible environments.有充分的证据表明,管理人员和员工在灵活的环境中都表现更好。Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing.因职级纠纷,银行职员即将举行一系列闪电式罢工。A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester.英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。He praised all his staff highly.他高度赞扬了所有的员工。The security staff were in close touch with the local police.保安人员与当地警方保持密切联系。All the staff are overloaded with work.所有的员工都已是超负荷工作了。I had nothing but praise for the course content and staff.我认为课程内容和员工值得称赞。Ifound it fascinating to watch the staff at work.我发现看员工们干活儿很有趣。Details of the problem will be logged by the Help Desk staff who will then contact the appropriate agency.问题的细节将由咨询台人员登记,然后他们再与相关部门取得联系。She said that she had been treated so roughly by the hospital staff that she felt violated.她说医护人员待她非常粗暴,她感觉受到了侮辱。Every one of the staff must sign the time-book.每个职员必须在工作时间记录簿上签名。Shadow staff at work to get a better understanding of the problems.你要跟在当班职员身边,以便更好地了解这些问题。He was the smoothest and probably the most powerful chief of staff in political memory.在人们关于政治人物的记忆里,他是最精明、可能也是最有权势的参谋长。Managers will swap jobs with sales staff for a day.经理们要和营销人员交换一天的工作岗位。Hearst expanded his editorial staff.赫斯特扩大了他的编辑部。The staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase.员工们对最近一次加薪不太满意。




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