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Amanda and Tina were both beefy, sporty types.阿曼达和蒂娜两个都属于肥实的运动型。She looked very sporty in tweeds and boots.她穿了一套花呢衣服和高统靴,模样俊俏。Guy wasn't really the sporty type.盖伊不是那种擅长体育运动的人。The steering and braking are exactly what you want from a sporty car.其转向和制动装置都完全符合一辆运动型汽车的标准。Jo's not really the sporty type.乔可不是那种喜欢运动的人。He's partial to sporty young women with blue eyes.他对擅长运动的蓝眼睛姑娘情有独钟。I like the car's sporty performance.我喜欢这辆汽车可以高速行驶的性能。She drives a sporty little speedster.她开一辆运动型小跑车。For females, baseball caps goes well with sporty wear.对女性来说, 棒球帽是运动风的标配。She has gone from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.她从一个健康、强壮、爱好运动的年轻女性变成了一个跛子。The new model is slightly more sporty.这款新车更靓更快一些。She wanted a more sporty car. 她想要一辆竞赛性能更好的车。He's partial to sporty women with blue eyes.他喜欢爱运动的蓝眼睛女子。I'm not very sporty.我不太喜欢户外活动。I'm not really a sporty type.我这个人谈不上喜欢运动。 |