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词汇 整体
例句 Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.在把各个部分结合成一个连贯的整体方面几乎未作任何尝试。The team is trying to determine which fuel is less efficient overall.这支科研队伍正在努力测定哪种燃料整体效能不足。The automobile is an integration of a multitude of machine parts.汽车是集大量机械部件而成的统一整体Diet has an important bearing on your general health.饮食对一个人整体的身体状况有很重要的影响。City planning treats the city as a unit, as an organic whole.城市规划将城市视为一个单位,一个有机的整体It's essential that we look at the problem in its totality.重要的是,我们应从整体上看待这个问题。The overall situation is worsening.整体形势在日益恶化。You make some interesting points, but the essay as a whole lacks coherence. 你提出了一些有趣的论点,但整体来看论文缺乏条理。In his long career at BP, Horton turned around two entire divisions.霍顿在英国石油公司漫长的职业生涯中曾经让两个部门整体上起死回生。The global economy is a complex organism.全球经济是一个复杂的有机整体The company wanted to boost the overall perception of the brand.该公司希望提升品牌的整体认知度。A number of cities were now to be bombed in their entirety.现在许多城市将整体炸毁。The problem must be studied in its totality.这个问题必须加以整体研究。He felt he was part of a greater whole. 他感觉自己属于另一个更强大的整体The pupil's answers may not have been reflective of what the class as a whole had understood.这个学生的回答也许并不能代表该班级整体的理解。According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened.根据这项调查,世界贸易整体上也有所放慢。In the nation as a whole there is no desire for war.这个国家整体上没有发动战争的欲望。The overall ambience of the room is cosy.房间整体的感觉是温暖舒适。From his general demeanour I didn't get the impression that he was being ironical.从他整体的行为来看,我不觉得他是在讲反话。As a whole the series was never less than watchable - hokum, perhaps, but entertaining.整体上来说,这部系列剧还是有些看头的——或许有些胡编乱造,但还是挺有意思的。The earth's weather system is an integrated whole.地球的气候系统是一个有机的整体Although developments are generally good some cautionary notes should be sounded.虽然发展情况整体良好的,但是一些告诫的话还是应该说的。The different parts of the picture form a harmonious whole.画中的各个部分组成了一个和谐的整体This report gives a global picture of the company's finances.这份报告对公司的整体财务状况作了说明。Taken together, these measures should ensure a rapid return to financial stability.整体考虑的话,这些措施应可保证很快就能使金融恢复稳定。The symphony failed to congeal as a single oeuvre.这部交响乐未能融为有机整体She was struggling to organize her ideas into a coherent whole.她尽力将自己的想法组织成一个连贯的整体This project will be of great benefit to the region as a whole.这个项目整体来看对该地区将大有好处。Dealers said activity generally was dull.经销商称商业活动整体萧条。The appropriate use of the waist creates great fluidity of form.腰部的恰当处理表现出整体的流畅感。We wanted to soften the light without destroying the overall effect of space.我们希望在不破坏整体空间效果的同时使灯光柔和一些。We have our bad times but on the whole we're fairly happy.我们有过糟糕的时期,但整体上来说还是相当快乐的。Against that general background, let me give you a more detailed view of current practice.这是整体的背景,下面让我向你更详细地介绍一下当前的做法。The full impact of what he'd said hit me a few hours later.几个小时以后我才完全意识到他的话的整体影响。The overall economic picture is improving.整体经济状况在改善。The discussion will be confined largely to general principles.讨论主要局限于整体原则。There are troubling signs in children's general health.儿童的整体健康状况出现了一些令人不安的迹象。The market likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.市场对这一整体设想表示出认可,但在具体细节上还未作出反应。We should view the problem in the mass.我们应该就整体的观点来看这个问题。A society is essentially an organism.就本质而言,社会是一个有机整体




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