例句 |
He sported a barbed-wire tattoo on his left arm.他的左胳膊上刺有铁丝网状的文身。Her husband sported a resplendent moustache.她丈夫令人瞩目地蓄两撇漂亮的小胡子。Her fiancé sported a bushy moustache.她的未婚夫留着浓密的小胡子。The lambs sported in the meadow.几只小羊在草地上嬉戏。Many of them sported beards and mustaches.他们之中有好多人留着触目的大胡子和小胡子。The front of the car sported a German flag.汽车前部都插着一面德国国旗。He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache.他身材魁梧,留着红色的八字胡。People sported swastikas and walls were covered with inflammatory slogans.人们佩戴着纳粹党的曲十字标志,墙上写满了煽动性口号。He sported a floral Hawaiian shirt.他穿了件花衬衫显摆。The boys all sported cheeky smiles.男孩子们露出放肆的笑容。His right ear sported a gold ring.他的右耳戴着一个金环。He sported a collarless jacket with pleated black panels.他十分招摇地穿着一件带有黑色褶子饰条的无领上衣。He sported a pointed beard.他蓄着一撮尖尖的胡须,很引人注目。 |