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词汇 吉利
例句 They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight.他们在吉利根路上翻滚,模拟一场暴力厮杀。Just then, Gillian appeared as if from nowhere.就在这时,吉利恩不知从哪里冒了出来。His acclaimed first novel was an auspicious debut.他备受好评的第一部小说是个吉利的处子秀。To give you a flavour of what the book is like Jilly is going to read out a brief extract.为使您对此书略有了解,吉利将朗读一段简短摘录。Black cats are sometimes thought to be lucky.黑猫有时被认为是吉利的。Jilly and I decided to cheer ourselves up and go on a spending spree.我和吉利决定去大买特买让自己开心开心。Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from her notebook.吉利从她的笔记本上撕下一页纸。Thanks for that, Gillian. Now, where was I?谢谢你,吉利恩。好了,我刚才讲到哪里了?According to my horoscope, today should be a lucky day.根据我的星象推算,今天是个吉利日子。Her documentary casts serious doubt on Gilligan's conviction.她的纪实节目使人对吉利根的判决产生了深深的怀疑。He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor.他从她身边冲过去扑向吉利恩时,将其撞倒在地。




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