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词汇 吉尔
例句 We were discussing her new movie, and Jill made some interesting comments about it.我们讨论了她的新电影,吉尔也作了一些有趣的评论。Gilford still nurses an ambition to become captain of the team.吉尔福特仍一心想着要当队长。Two spots of colour appeared in Jill's cheeks.吉尔的脸颊上出现了两块色斑。Her solicitor is one John Wintersgill.她的律师是个名叫约翰‧温特斯吉尔的人。Jill Bennett became John Osborne's fourth wife, and appeared in several of his plays.吉尔·本内特成为了约翰·奥斯本的第四任妻子,并参演过他的几部戏剧。Sorry I can't come: I have a date with Jill.抱歉我不能来了,我已经和吉尔约好了。Jill wants to plant a border of flowers around the lawn.吉尔想在草坪周围种花。We gave Jill a hand to clean up the mess.我们帮助吉尔清理烂摊子。Jill was attending on the princess.吉尔当时正在服侍公主。Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep thought.吉尔盘着腿,一个拳头支着下巴,仿佛陷入了沉思。Masongill is a peaceful oasis undisturbed by tourists.马松吉尔是一个安静的地方,没有游客来打扰。Do you like Jill Anderson? I think she's cute!你喜欢吉尔·安德森吗?我觉得她很标致。The move from stage to movies allowed Gildit to give full play to his sense of the fantastic.从舞台转到电影界,吉尔迪可以充分发挥他的幻想灵感。He found Jill in the gallery shop silently browsing through some books.他发现吉尔在画廊里,默默地翻着一些书。It's not typical of Gill to be so critical.吉尔很少会这么挑剔。Jill has such a lovely relaxed temperament.吉尔性格随和从容,非常讨人喜欢。Jill was starting to get some freelance writing jobs from trade magazines.吉尔开始从一些行业杂志接点自由撰稿的活儿。Jill resurfaced last week, after spending the past few months doing research in the library.吉尔数月来一直泡在图书馆里做研究,上星期才又露面。Gil rose and went to his bookcase and took down a volume.吉尔站起身,走到书架跟前,取下一本书。Gil waved his hand and the car moved off.吉尔挥挥手,汽车就开走了。Jill was a sympathetic listener.吉尔是个富有同情心的倾听者。We had to whisper because Jill's mother was in the next room.我们得悄声地说,因为吉尔的妈妈就在隔壁房间。Gill speaks in a quiet Irish brogue.吉尔说话带有轻微的爱尔兰口音。Jill gave a slight smile.吉尔微笑了一下。No point asking Jill – she hasn't got a clue about maths.吉尔没有用,她对数学一窍不通。Gail's sudden illness meant that Kathy had to step into the breach.吉尔突然生病,这意味着凯西不得不顶替她。Jill gradually became aware of an awful smell.吉尔渐渐地闻到了一股难闻的气味。Jill darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.吉尔冲上前把他从火边拉开。Jill was awarded first prize, and she thoroughly deserved it.吉尔获授一等奖,她完全是受之无愧。Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.吉尔个性鲜明,热情洋溢。Gil sensed something wrong from her father's strained voice.从她爸爸紧张的语气中,吉尔感到有些不对头。Last summer, Jill took me to see her childhood home.去年夏天吉尔带我去看她小时候的家。Jill is absolutely right.吉尔完全正确。Jill's nerves are stretched to breaking point.吉尔的神经绷紧到了极点。Oh, you're not Jill. Excuse me. I took you for an old friend of mine.哦,你不是吉尔。对不起,我把你当成我的一个老朋友了。Jill's been swept off her feet by an older man.吉尔被一位年长男子迷住了。The court ordered that Gilmore should be executed.法庭下令处死吉尔摩。Jill was reading the paper, crunching a raw carrot as she read.吉尔一边看报纸,一边嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着一根生胡萝卜。It would never do for Jill to find out the real reason that we didn't ask her to help.绝不能让吉尔发现我们没让她帮忙的真正原因。Jill's been seconded to the marketing department while Dave's away.戴维不在的时候,吉尔被临时调到市场部工作。




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