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词汇 吉姆
例句 Jim, this is our new arrival, Lyndsay. She'll be taking over from Bob.吉姆,这是我们公司新来的林赛,她将接手鲍勃的工作。Jim always sides with John in an argument.在辩论中吉姆总是站在约翰一边。She served a two-year stint as an aide to Congressman Jim McNulty.她为国会议员吉姆·麦克纳尔蒂当了两年的助理。The blame rests squarely on Jim's shoulders.这个责任完全怪罪到了吉姆身上。Jim spread out a blanket for her to sit on.吉姆摊开一块毯子让她坐在上面。Jim and Mary had to camp out with her parents in their house in London.吉姆和玛丽夫妇不得不在伦敦她父母家里和他们暂住。She entered Jim's postcode, and watched as a street map appeared on the screen.她输入吉姆的邮政编码,然后看屏幕上出现的街道地图。Jim was staggering along under the weight of a huge box of encyclopaedias.吉姆背着一大箱很重的百科全书,蹒跚而行。The divorce affected Jim deeply.离婚对吉姆打击很大。Nothing comes between Jim and his food.什么也不能妨碍吉姆吃东西。Knowing Jim, he's bound to be late.因为了解吉姆,知道他肯定会迟到。I watched Jim leave, cursing him for being so thoughtless.我一边看着吉姆离开,一边骂他怎么如此轻率。He looked favorably on Jim.他赞许地望著吉姆Jim always wears a knee support when he goes running.吉姆跑步时总是戴着护膝。Jim retired to raise raspberries.吉姆退休后种植山莓。Jim's rose garden is a riot of colour.吉姆的玫瑰园五彩缤纷。Jim saw me approaching and quickly retreated down a side street.吉姆看见我走近,就赶快退避到一条小街上去。Jim has improved quite a bit since he came home from the hospital.吉姆自从出院回家后身体好了很多。Jim Partridge chucked himself off some bridge or other.吉姆·帕特里奇从某座桥上跳了下去。Jim drinks too much.吉姆酒喝得太多。It was difficult to hide her envy as Jim described his new job.吉姆说起自己的新工作时,她难以掩饰心中的妒忌。Two days after his brother's death, Jim started training as a psychiatric nurse.哥哥去世两天后,吉姆开始参加精神科护士培训。Jim believes in fresh air and morning exercises.吉姆坚信新鲜空气及早操有益处。I tried to hop on my good foot while holding onto Jim.我抓住吉姆,并用我的那只好脚努力向前跳。I'm looking for Jim. Have you seen him?我在找吉姆。你见到他了吗?The coach told Jim to get on the ball or leave the team.教练叮嘱吉姆好好打球,要不就离开球队。The club has a faithful supporter in the person of Jim Jones.俱乐部有一名叫作吉姆·琼斯的忠实支持者。Jim and his wife stagger their work hours so one of them can be at home with the kids.吉姆和妻子把工作时间错开,以便两个人中有一个可以在家照料孩子。Jim Rutland retired from the Navy last year.吉姆·拉特兰去年从海军退役。Jim has a strong will.吉姆是个意志坚强的人。Jim talks so much that all the others barely get a look-in.吉姆老是喋喋不休,其他人简直插不上嘴。Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场斗殴。If you start a fight with Jim, you may get the worst of it.如果你与吉姆动手打架,你可能会大大吃亏。I was very fond of my Uncle Jim.我很喜欢我的吉姆叔叔。Hello, Jim! How are you?哈啰,吉姆!你好吗? My Uncle Jim had a high fever.我叔叔吉姆发了高烧。This year, Jim is resitting the exams he failed.今年,吉姆将重考没有及格的科目。He made a sudden dive for Uncle Jim's legs to try to trip him up.他突然抱住吉姆叔叔的腿,想把他撂倒。Jim had become separated from the rest and got completely lost.吉姆与其他人走散后就彻底迷路了。Jim staked his whole fortune on one card game.吉姆把自己的全部财产押在一次牌局中。




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