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词汇 sources
例句 The library has quantities of reference sources.该图书馆藏有大量可供参考的原始资料。The data had been culled from a variety of sources.这些资料是从多方面筛选出来的。Electricity companies were criticized for failing to develop alternative energy sources.电力公司因未开发非传统能源而受到批评。Additional information was gleaned from other sources.另外的信息都是从其他地方搜集来的。The program accepts input from a variety of sources.该程序接受各种来源的数据输入。If you take text from other sources, place it in quotation marks.如果你的文字来自其他地方,将其置于引号内。Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible.研究人员尽可能地引用原始资料。Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical.必须在可行的地方使用可再生能源。If you take text from other sources, place it in quotes.如果你的文字来自其他地方,将其置于引号中。We also plug into the research facilities available, and license technology from independent sources.我们也开始使用可用的研究设施,并从独立来源获得技术许可。Whitehall sources believe Beckett will soon resign.英国政府的消息灵通人士认为贝克特不久将辞职。Candidates are required to publish the sources of their campaign funds.候选人须公布其竞选经费的来源。We have a million facts and sources at our fingertips.我们手头掌握了无数事实与消息来源。We have reliable sources.我们有可靠的消息来源。As regards the potential energy crisis – why aren't we putting money into serious alternative sources of energy?至于潜在的能源危机问题,我们为什么不能投入资金去开发一些重要的可替代能源呢?We consolidate information from a wide range of sources.我们把来源广泛的信息加以合并。The government hopes to tap new sources of employment in the area of health.政府希望在卫生领域开拓新的就业岗位。For all maternity clothing retailers, most above-the-line promotion is conducted through focused sources such as mother and baby magazines.对于所有销售孕妇装的零售商来说,大多数的大众传媒促销都是通过母婴杂志等有具体受众的渠道进行的。He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.他就可再生能源进行了广泛的研究。Reporters from five different news sources converged on her after the game.比赛结束后,五家不同媒体的记者纷纷向她涌来。They're looking for new sources of investment return.他们正在寻找新的投资回报来源。The computer model assesses the likely impact of new pollution sources.该计算机模型评估新的污染源可能造成的影响。Asking about a reporter's sources can be a touchy business.询问一名记者的消息来源有时是个敏感问题。Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent.外交部消息人士对有可能派出英国军队的报道不屑一顾。We'll also benefit from the economies provided by more efficient energy sources.我们也将从更有效的能源所带来的节约中获益。We must not presume too much on the reliability of such sources.我们不应过分信赖这类消息来源的可靠性。Environmentally friendly energy sources include water and wind power.对环境无污染的能源包括水能和风能。Our ingenuity can certainly devise means of holding down energy consumption and tapping new sources.我们凭借心灵手巧,肯定能设想出降低能源消耗和开发新能源的办法来。They are adaptable foragers that learn to survive on a wide range of food sources.它们是适应能力很强的觅食者,赖以生存的食物来源很广。We're getting input from gobs of sources.我们从多方渠道得到信息。You can get advice from many sources, but it all boils down to common sense. 你可以吸取多方意见,但所有意见都要合乎常理。Military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, downplayed the significance.不愿透露姓名的军方消息人士在重要性问题上轻描淡写。Internet sources have proved extremely productive.因特网资源被证明是极有创造力的。Senior party sources say Liddell will be eased out during the next few weeks.据党内高级人士称,利德尔会在接下来的几周内被悄然解职。They get their money from various sources.他们有多种收入来源。We should not presume too much on the reliability of such sources.我们不该过分指望这种消息来源的可靠性。Wind and water are renewable fuel sources.风和水都是可再生的燃料源。The press demands that politicians disclose the sources of their income.报界要求政客们公开他们收入的来源。Development of new water sources needs to be combined with conservation measures.新水源的开发需要与节约措施相结合。Military sources say the boat was heading south at high speed.军方消息说这条船正快速向南行驶。




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