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We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel.我们借助风帆的动力航行,且关掉了发动机以节省燃油。We watched the boats with their billowing sails.我们看着那些小船鼓起风帆。The bay was full of boats with billowing sails.海湾里挤满了鼓起风帆的小船。A gust of wind puffed out the boat's sails.一阵风吹来,鼓起了船上的风帆。Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard.船只扬起风帆,等待他们上船。He rigged up a sail on the sled and dragged Mertz along.他给雪橇装好风帆,拉着墨茨前行。 |