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词汇 somewhere
例句 I'm going to live off campus if I can find somewhere cheap enough.如果能找到足够便宜的地方,我就准备住在校外。I thought I had a copy of the notes, but they seem to have disappeared somewhere.我记得我有一份这样的笔记,但不知道到哪里去了。I need to find somewhere I can work undisturbed.我需要找一个没人打扰的地方工作。I dropped the key somewhere about here.我把钥匙掉在这儿附近什么地方了。We must have slipped up somewhere.我们一定是哪儿出了错。You will find the text somewhere in the Bible.你可在《圣经》中的某处找到这段经文。These figures don't make sense - have we slipped up somewhere?这些数据不对——我们哪里出错了吗?If you deal in facts only, perhaps we'll get somewhere.如果你只讲事实,可能我们会谈出一些结果来。He has read somewhere that interest rates would continue to rise.他在某报刊中读到利率将继续上升。My wallet must be around here somewhere.我的钱包肯定是在这里的什么地方。Once I've found somewhere to live I'll send you my address.我一找到住的地方就把地址告诉你。I think we're getting somewhere at last.我想我们终于有了一些进展。He'd obviously offended Doug somewhere down the line.显然他在某个时候得罪了道格。They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.他们只好停车,可能得去高速公路服务站之类的地方。Most of his money is squirreled away somewhere.他的大部分钱被藏匿在某个地方。You're all dressed up. Are you going somewhere?.你打扮得这么漂亮,要去哪?I'd hate to live somewhere where it's always cold.我讨厌住在天气一直很冷的地方。She's starting to see the effects of the disease, to wit: her memory is less reliable and she can't always find her way home after going somewhere.她开始意识到这种疾病对她的影响,就是她的记忆变得不可靠,而且有时候出门之后找不到回家的路。Tilly had wet her pants so I was looking for somewhere to change her.蒂莉把裤子尿湿了,我正在找地方给她换衣服。She was holed up in the mountains somewhere, trying to avoid the media.她藏在山区,想避开媒体。He'd buried the money away somewhere.他把钱藏在某个地方。From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.他不知从什么地方翻出了一套黑色的丝绸衣服。She sat in the bar twirling the stem of her wine glass, wishing she were somewhere else.她坐在酒吧里,捻弄着酒杯的柄脚,心想但愿自己是在别的什么地方。I'm sure I've got a copy of "Lolita" knocking around somewhere.我肯定我有一本《洛丽塔》在什么地方。Your degree should get you somewhere in the chemical industry.你的学位可以使你在化工行业有所作为。He was neither liberal nor conservative but fell somewhere in-between.他既不是自由派也不是保守派,而是介于两者之间的中间派。Shall we meet somewhere for lunch?.我们找地方见面一起吃个午饭好不好?There's a restaurant somewhere around here that's supposed to be good.这附近某个地方有个据说不错的饭店。The meeting room is in use at the moment, so we'll have to go somewhere else.现在会议室在使用,我们只能去别处了。He's got a boodle hidden away somewhere.他有大量的钱藏在某个地方。They would bivouac for the night somewhere in the scrub.他们会在矮丛林地带找个地方露营过夜。I can't find my purse, but it must be floating around here somewhere.我找不到我的钱包了,但是它肯定就在这儿什么地方。The work has been very slow, but I feel like we're finally getting somewhere.工作进行得很慢,但我觉得我们终于有所进展了。The shop closed and the business was transferred somewhere else.那家店铺已经关门,迁到别处去营业了。A lion is on the loose somewhere in England.英格兰有一头狮子跑出来了。I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community.我想在能为社区服务的地方工作。You can do without a carpet but you've got to have somewhere to sit.没有地毯倒可以,但你总得有个坐的地方吧。Customers complained that their duty-free Bacardi had gone AWOL somewhere between Stansted and Faliraki.有顾客投诉说他们买的免税百加得酒在斯坦斯特德到法里拉基的途中不见了。She lives somewhere in the wilds of Borneo.她住在婆罗洲荒野中的某个地方。Fanny had been scouting about for somewhere to live.范妮一直在找住的地方。




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