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词汇 Social Security
例句 The government faces strong opposition to its proposals to cut Social Security payments.政府提出的削减社会保险金的建议遭到了强烈反对。The confusion was caused when two numbers were accidentally transposed by someone in the Social Security office.这场混乱的起因是一个社会保障部门的职员无意中把两个数字调换了位置。In the USA you can ring Social Security and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部询问能得到何种帮助。In order to get a job, you have to have a Social Security number.为了找工作,你必须要有一个社会保险号码。Social Security is the third rail of American politics.社会保障是美国政治中的烫手山芋。When you claim Social Security benefits, you must prove that you are lawfully resident in this country.你申请社会保障金的时候,必须证明你是本国的合法居民。My wife and I are retired and depend on Social Security.我妻子和我都退休了,靠社会保障生活。They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.他们推出了真正削减社会保障的试行方案。Teachers can get Social Security if they work in private industry.教师如果在私企工作可以获得社会保障。You need ID such as a birth certificate or Social Security card.你需要像出生证或社会保障卡等这样的身份证明。The politicians were quick off the mark with loud talk about tax cuts and Social Security reform.政治家们迅速反应,开始大肆谈论减税和社会保障改革问题。The Department of Social Security can only issue benefits on receipt of your claim form.社会保障局只有在收到索赔申请表后才能发放救济金。It helps if you provide your birth date and Social Security number.如果你能够提供你的出生日期和社会保障号码会有帮助的。Three quarters of all federal spending goes to Social Security.联邦支出总额的四分之三都花在了社会保障上。Can you write your Social Security number in the box please?请在方框内填入你的社会保险金号码,好吗?The candidate promised to reinvent Social Security.候选人承诺对社保制度做重大改革。He began collecting/receiving Social Security checks.他开始领取/接受社会保障金。Many older people cannot get along on just their Social Security checks.许多老年人仅靠社会保障金无法生活。Please contact your Social Security office if there is any change in your circumstances.个人状况若有变化,请与社会保障部门联系。Once I've paid for my rent and food, most of my Social Security is used up.支付了房租和吃用花销后,我的社会救济金就用去一大半了。If you pay someone to work in your house, you have to pay Social Security taxes on the wages.如果雇人在你家里干活,你必须按工资缴纳社会保障税。Lawmakers are searching for the best measures to strengthen Social Security.立法者在寻找最佳办法来加强社会保障制度。It started harmlessly enough, with a statement from the Secretary of State for Social Security.开场平淡无奇,由社会保障大臣作了发言。In the USA you can ring Social Security or the Department of Welfare and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部或福利部询问能得到何种帮助。My wife and I had no idea how much we would depend upon Social Security in the future.我和妻子不清楚将来在多大程度上要依靠社会保障制度。Social Security has reduced poverty, and last, but by no means least, it has been a good deal for participants.社会保障制度减少了贫困,最后同样重要的一点是,对于参加者来说它是合算的。




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