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词汇 宝石
例句 This finery always remained her favourite jewellery.这颗华贵的宝石一直是她特别喜爱的珠宝饰物。The jeweler can set the stone several different ways.珠宝商可以用多种不同的方式镶嵌这块宝石Spare his life, and I will give you the stone.饶了他的命,我就会把时间宝石给你。That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么钱。The stones are polished in a rotating drum full of abrasive powder.宝石被放在装满研磨粉的转轮内抛光。The jeweler gave the gem a long hard look. 珠宝商仔细认真地观察这块宝石The stars glittered with the brilliance of jewels.群星闪耀,犹如一颗颗璀璨的宝石Rings and gems adorned the fingers of both her hands.她的双手手指上戴满了戒指和宝石Siderite is very bountiful in nature. After proper forging, they can be made into gemstones.菱铁矿在大自然中藏量极丰;经过锻造之后可以变成宝石The crown is encrusted with jewels.皇冠上镶嵌着宝石Diamonds, rubies and sapphires are precious stones.钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石都是宝石He had also a seal ring, a veritable antique intaglio.他还有一只印章戒指,是一块刻有阴文的真正古宝石The stone shone with a beautiful iridescence.这块宝石流光溢彩,十分漂亮。It's more than a precious stone. It's the precious stone.这不仅仅是颗宝石,而且是颗最最名贵的宝石The necklace contains real gems and paste.这串项链既有真宝石也有人造宝石A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简单大方。The vase was encrusted with precious stones.花瓶外镶嵌着一层宝石The ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与王冠上的宝石相比,这只戒指是不值分文的东西。The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels.皇帝身穿一件镶满宝石的华贵礼袍。That diamond is one of world's largest jewels.那颗钻石是世界上最大的宝石之一。The swamp water was jeweled with reflected stars.沼泽水映出星星,犹如镶嵌了点点宝石The museum boasts some of the rarest gems in the world.这家博物馆拥有一些世界上最稀有的宝石The queen's jewels are superb.女王的宝石很华丽。When the sun came up, the snow sparkled as if it were studded with millions of diamonds.太阳升起的时候,白雪晶莹透亮,犹如镶嵌了无数的宝石He examined the jewel with minuteness.他仔细地检视宝石The doublet looks like genuine precious stone.这仿宝石看上去像真宝石The stone was carved by hand.这块宝石是手工雕刻成的。The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.宝石反射出的金色光芒令他着迷。The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.装饰着钻石和其他宝石的王冠被放在一个特制的橱窗里展出。The museum's proudest boast is its collection of rare gems.这个博物馆最引以为豪的是藏有一些稀世宝石The servant stole the jewels but rigged the theft so that it seemed that a burglar had done it.那仆人偷了宝石首饰,但预先做了手脚把窃案伪造成系由撬窃贼所为。The jewel was sewn into the lining of his coat.宝石被缝进了他的外套内衬里。The gem's rareness makes it very expensive.这种宝石由于稀少而价格昂贵。I like rich jewel colours, such as purple, blue, and green.我喜欢浓重的宝石色,如紫色、蓝色和绿色。She had the stone set in a ring.她请人把宝石镶嵌在戒指上。




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