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词汇 smuggle
例句 Customs officials uncovered a plot to smuggle weapons into the country.海关官员破获了一个走私武器入境的阴谋。He managed to smuggle out a note from prison.他设法从狱中偷偷带出一张纸条。They managed to smuggle him out of prison.他们设法将他从监狱偷带了出去。He bribed one of the guards to smuggle out a note.他收买了其中的一个警卫,让他偷偷地带一张字条出去。Dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them.贩毒分子有办法让人为他们走私毒品。If you try to smuggle drugs you are stupid.你如果想走私毒品,那真是太愚蠢了。Police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into Belfast airport.警方挫败了一场企图将炸弹偷偷带入贝尔法斯特机场的阴谋。The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north.毒品贩子在南部买进原始古柯叶,在此地提炼成可卡因,然后私运到北部。Detectives have uncovered a plan to smuggle illegal weapons into the country.侦探发现了走私非法武器入境的阴谋。He bribed a guard to smuggle a note out of the prison.他贿赂一名狱警,将一张字条偷运出监狱。She conspired with him to smuggle the paintings out of the country.她与他密谋将这些画走私出境。The guerrillas had tried to smuggle in anti-tank weapons.游击队员曾试图将反坦克武器偷运入境。The charges against them include conspiracy to smuggle heroin.对他们的指控包括搞海洛因走私的阴谋活动。Had it really been impossible to find someone who could smuggle out a letter?.真的找不到一个能把信偷偷地带出去的人吗?




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