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词汇 lie about
例句 Movie stars always lie about their age.电影明星总是不说真实年龄。My first instinct was to lie about it.我的第一个反应就是撒个谎来掩饰。He has besmirched her reputation/name/honor by telling lies about her. 他说的一些不实之词败坏了她的名望/名声/名誉。I think we need to nail these lies about the deal.我认为我们应该揭穿有关该交易的这些谎言。I'm not surprised that he lied about it. There are a lot of people like him out there. 他在这事上撒了谎,我一点儿也不奇怪。像他这样的人很多。Frank lied about his age in order to join the army.弗兰克为了参军谎报了年龄。If asked, he lies about his age.如果有人问起,他就会谎报年龄。I think they stole the money and then lied about it to cover up their guilt.我认为他们偷了钱,然后又撒谎掩盖罪责。He filled her head with lies about his military service.他瞎编了许多自己服兵役时的故事来骗她。I'm gonna fix her if she doesn't stop telling lies about me!如果她还在不停地造我的谣,我就打算收拾她了!I've never lied about my feelings, including my ambivalence about getting married again.对于自己的感情,我从来不说谎,包括我对于再婚游移不定的态度。He did not scruple to lie about it. 他毫无顾忌地在这件事上撒了谎。He has been accused of telling lies about his military record.他被指控谎报自己的从军经历。He lied about his age to get into the Navy.他为了参加海军谎报年龄。It is dishonest to lie about one's age.虚报年龄是不诚实的。She rounded upon him in the office,charging him with telling lies about her.她在办公室里对他大发雷霆,指责他造她的谣。Who put round those lies about me?是谁散播了那些关于我的谎言?Tom told a lie about George, and when he was found out, he had to eat humble pie.汤姆造乔治的谣言,被拆穿后,只得认错赔不是。I wish you wouldn't just lie about all day.我希望你不要整天游手好闲。The fact that she lied about her work experience negated the contract.她谎报工作经历致使合同无效。The lawsuit charged the magazine with spreading lies about the company and its products.这场官司控告杂志社散布与这家公司和它的产品有关的谣言。A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.一个光明磊落的政治家并不会隐瞒自己的职务权益。All the boys told lies about their adventures.所有男孩讲自己的冒险经历时都有水分在里面。They deliberately tried to smear him by telling lies about his war record.他们对他的战争经历胡说八道,试图蓄意对他进行诋毁。It was to his everlasting regret that he had lied about it.他在这件事上撒了谎,这令他终生愧疚。She lied about her age.她谎报了自己的年龄。




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