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The room smelled musty and stale.这个房间闻起来有股发霉的陈味儿。His socks smelled funky.他的袜子很难闻。The butcher's counter was covered in huge slabs of red meat and the air smelled of blood.肉贩的柜台上放满了红色的大肉块,空气中弥漫着血腥味。His clothes smelled most unpleasant.他的衣服有一种特难闻的气味。The room smelled of rotten vegetables.房间里一股蔬菜腐烂的味道。The air smelled clean and fresh after the smoky little hut.从冒烟的小屋出来后,空气闻起来干净而清新。The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.门厅处弥漫着她母亲的香水味。He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.他已经在略带霉味的床上睡着了。The kitchen smelled sweetly of herbs and fruit.厨房里有芳草和水果的香气。My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.闻到食物的香味,我开始流口水了。The bag had been sitting in a dank tent for three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper.那只袋子放在阴湿的帐篷里三天了,有股像旧洗衣筐的味道。He smelled rather ripe, and Thomas moved away from him.他身上有一股相当难闻的气味,因此托马斯走开了。I smelled something burning.我闻到东西烧焦的味道。I took a fresh rose out of the vase and smelled it.我从花瓶里拿出一朵新鲜的玫瑰,闻了闻。I smelled a rat in the matter.我感到这件事有问题。The room smelled of cigars.房间里有雪茄的味道。She smelled of cheap perfume and wore gaudy clothing and fake costume jewellery.她身上有廉价香水的味道,穿着俗艳的衣服,戴着仿真首饰。Becky's soul smelled with pride and delight at these honours, she saw fortune, fame, fashion before her.蓓基脸上这样光彩,眼见金钱、名誉、地位指日可待,心里说不尽的得意。The place smelled of oil.这儿有股油味。The room smelled of stale sweat.房间里有一股臭汗味。I immediately smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.我立刻闻到了新鲜咖啡特有的香味。The cage smelled of excrement.笼子里粪臭熏人。The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.大厅里弥漫着她母亲身上的香水味。She smelled powerfully of bath salts and unguents.她身上有重重的浴盐和油膏味。The water was dirty and smelled yucky.这水很脏,闻起来很恶心。A skunk smelled up our yard last night.昨晚一只臭鼬弄得我家院子里臭气冲天。There was brown and pulpy fruit that smelled sickly sweet.有种软软的棕色水果散发着一股令人发腻的甜味。He smelled trouble.他察觉到会有麻烦。The room smelled damp.这房间闻起来有潮气。She smelled strongly of carbolic soap.她身上有股浓烈的石炭酸皂的味道。The second prisoner was a fat-faced beefy fellow who smelled of sweat.第二名囚犯是个胖脸大块头家伙,身上一股汗味。He smelled faintly of sweat.他身上有点儿汗味。The morning after the party, their apartment smelled of stale cigarette smoke.聚会后的次日早上,他们的公寓里有一股污浊的烟味儿。Neighbours raised the alarm when they smelled smoke.邻居闻到烟味便发出了警报。He smelled the pizza and came running on the double.他闻到比萨饼味道,马上跑了过来。The room smelled of stale sweat and coffee.房间里有股汗臭味和咖啡味。She smelled of alcohol and was unsteady on her feet.她身上有酒味,走路脚步也不稳。Jane smelled out the boys' hiding-place in the woods.简找到了男孩们在树林中的藏身之处。He smelled of alcohol.他身上有股酒气。The hound smelled sweetly of soap.这条猎狗身上有肥皂的香味。 |