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词汇 behave with
例句 It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.人竟会以如此残忍的方式对待彼此,这真是令人震惊。The protestors behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity.抗议者表现出了超乎寻常的自我克制力和大度。It's incredible that Peter can behave with such stupid lack of feeling.彼得行事如此麻木不仁,真是难以置信。He behaved with great composure.他表现得非常镇静。They behave with a total lack of inhibition.他们表现得毫无顾忌。They behaved with more restraint than I expected.他们的表现比我想象的要克制。The code calls on members to behave with integrity at all times.行为规范要求成员在任何时候言行都要诚实正直。The soldier behaved with great courage.这名战士表现得非常勇敢。She behaved with characteristic dignity.她表现出自己特有的尊严。Frau Eberhardt behaved with total correctness.埃伯哈特夫人举止大方得体。He behaved with poise and dignity.他举止沉稳、庄重。The government has behaved with crass insensitivity.该政府行事愚蠢而且麻木不仁。Alexander behaved with great meekness on his mission.亚历山大对自己的使命表现得十分服从。They behaved with more restraint than I'd expected.他们表现得比我预料的更为克制。The company had behaved with typical shabbiness.该公司的行为一如既往地卑鄙。All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity.所有绿色和平组织人士表现出了超乎寻常的克制和大度。He had behaved with undue and oily familiarity.他表现得过于亲热,媚态毕现。One expects people in the public eye to behave with a certain degree of decorum.人们期待公众人物能够在一定程度上做到行为得体。He was judged to have behaved with propriety throughout.他被认为自始至终举止得体。The government has behaved with crass insensitivity.政府表现得极端麻木不仁。She was careful always to behave with propriety.她时刻注意行为得体。He behaved with dignity, as behooves a man of his age.他举止庄重,正符合他这个年龄段的特点。We have to decide whether chimpanzees ever behave with insight.我们必须判定,黑猩猩的行为究竟是否出于悟性。




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