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词汇 skill
例句 He conducts the choir with great skill and emotion.他指挥合唱时技巧高超且感情充沛。The contestants here today have displayed tremendous skill.今天参赛者显示出了高超的技艺。Trainees will learn a skill that is valued in many countries.学员们将学到一项在许多国家受重视的技能。She performed the song with practised skill.她演唱这首歌时表现得训练有素。He soon rivaled the others in skill.他在技术上不久便与其他人匹敌。Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.草药医术在西方已经成了一门几乎绝迹的技艺。The copy editor uses her skill to clarify the meaning.文字编辑利用她的技能来阐明含义。We are not doing enough to move students through the educational system with a faster level of skill accretion.让学生在教育系统中更快地增长技能,在这方面我们做得还不够。Other musicians were amazed by Parker's effortless improvisational skill.帕克轻松即兴演奏的技巧令其他音乐家惊叹。The skill of writing grew out of a wish to put speech into a permanent form.书写技术来源于赋予语言以永久形式的愿望。One of his few strengths was his skill at mimicry.他为数不多的强项之一就是善于模仿。We are supremely confident because we have the right mixture of skill and experience.我们有必备的技巧和经验,因此自信满满。There's no skill in a game like roulette, it's all luck.轮盘等赌博没有技巧,全靠运气。Much of his success lies in his skill in handling staff.他的成功很大程度上在于他的员工管理技巧。The dancers reached extremely high levels of technical skill and ability.舞蹈演员们的技巧和能力都达到了极高的水平。With all her skill and ambition, I'm sure Leah will go far.以她的能力和抱负,我相信利娅一定会成功。She soon surpassed her teacher in skill and proficiency.她很快就在技术和熟练度上超过了自己的老师。He lent his skill to the company.他把自己的技术贡献给公司。Skydiving requires both skill and daring.特技跳伞运动既需要技能也需要勇气。The value of data depends on our skill in drawing inferences from it.数据的价值取决于我们从中作出推论的能力。This summer no amount of skill and fertilizer could persuade plants to grow.今年夏天即使用上再多的技术和肥料也没法使植物茁壮成长。Teaching children to read needs a lot of patience and skill.教孩子阅读需要极大的耐心和技巧。With her high grades and athletic skill, Celeste had her choice of colleges.西莉斯特成绩优秀又有运动技能,可以随意挑选大学。He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.他把自己的成功归之于技能与勤奋。It takes time to build/gain confidence when you are learning a new skill.学习新技能时,你需要时间建立/获取信心。Poker is a game of luck and skill.扑克牌戏是一种靠运气加技巧的游戏。It takes speed and skill to weld steel at this heat.在这样的温度焊钢需要速度和技术。I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。It was a skill developed during the Stone Age.这一技能是在石器时代发展起来的。He split the log with practiced skill.他技术娴熟地劈开了木头。The carving shows remarkable technical skill.这件雕刻品显示出非凡的技术熟巧。As a soldier he showed extraordinary skill and courage under fire.作为一名士兵,他在枪林弹雨中表现出非凡的技能和勇气。The job requires a great deal of patience and skill.这项工作需要有很大的耐心和很高的技术。The job requires manual skill.这份工作需要手工技巧。It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill, from which all others derive.我们有理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。She played with skill and verve.她技艺娴熟,充满激情。He handled a difficult situation with great skill and address.他曾以高超的技巧和圆通应对困境。She was an actress of great skill.她是个演技精湛的演员。He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning.他充分发挥想象力、技巧和聪明才智完成了这项工作。He is a democrat with the skill, nerve, and ingenuity to push the limits of the possible.他是一个手腕高超、富有胆识、足智多谋的民主党人,能够让不可能的事成为可能。




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