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词汇 sizes
例句 There is a tendency for farm sizes to increase.农场规模有扩大的倾向。The jacket is several sizes too large for him.这件夹克对他而言大了好几号。The dress is also available in larger sizes.这款连衣裙也有大号的。The company is now going to make these products in larger sizes.现在公司要把这些产品做得尺码更大。The soda is sold in small, medium, large, and jumbo sizes.汽水按小、中、大和特大杯出售。The sweater comes in three sizes – small, medium and large.这羊毛衫有三个尺寸: 小号、中号和大号。Our customers come in all shapes and sizes.我们客户的体型和身材大小各不相同。It can be difficult to judge distances/sizes accurately.难以准确判断距离/大小。My boots were three sizes too big for me.我的靴子大了三号。The different sizes of eggs are sorted by a machine.鸡蛋由机器按大小分捡。The pieces came in many different sizes and shapes.零部件大小不一、形状各异。Brushes come in various sizes.毛刷有不同的号。This model comes in several sizes. 这种型号的产品有多种尺寸出售。He got a job at a printer's and quickly learned the technicalities such as paper sizes and the processes involved.他在一家印刷公司找到了一份工作,很快就掌握了诸如纸张尺寸及印刷流程一类的技术细节。The shirts come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.这些衬衣有三个尺码: 小号、中号和大号。The Juno Collection specialises in large sizes for ladies with a fuller figure.朱诺时装专门为身材较为丰满的女性推出大码服装。The shop is completely out of non-standard sizes.这家商店完全不是标准的规模。Dresses in larger sizes are available by special order.更大尺码的连衣裙可专门订购。Teachers are reporting higher stress levels as class sizes get bigger.教师表示班级规模扩大使他们压力大增。We have plenty of shirts left, but we're running short of smaller sizes. 我们的库存里有很多衬衣,但是小号的几乎没有了。The stool comes in several sizes in walnut or mahogany.凳子有几种尺寸,材质分胡桃木和红木两种。The Women's Gym is a women-only space dedicated to women of all ages, shapes and sizes.女子健身馆只对女性开放,不论年龄、健康状况和个头。Reducing class sizes should be a top priority.削减班级规模应是当务之急。Parents come in all shapes and sizes.有各种各样的父母。The Women's Gym is a women-only space dedicated to women of all ages, shapes and sizes.女子健身馆对各种年龄层次、体型和个头的女性开放。The general opinion among teachers is that small class sizes are important.教师中的普遍看法是班级的小规模很重要。The parts all come in metric sizes now.现在配件都采用公制规格。Many parents want to send their children to private school because class sizes are smaller.许多父母都想送孩子上私立学校,因为私立学校班级人数较少。Retailers were hit with a blizzard of new products and brands in all shapes, sizes and colours.各种形色不一、大小各异的新产品和新品牌铺天盖地,让零售商们疲于应付。These phones come in all shapes and sizes.这些电话机有各种形状和大小。There are a whole range of sizes to choose from.尺寸齐全,任你选择。They sell hats in all sizes and styles.他们出售各种尺寸和样式的帽子。Those jeans must be two sizes too big for you.那条牛仔裤你穿肯定大两号。The sweater didn't fit her. It was three sizes too small.这件毛衣她穿不合身,小了三码。The store sells plus sizes.这家店卖大号服装。Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.学院和大学林林总总,一应俱全。Rocks of all sizes dotted the landscape.大小不一的岩石点缀着风景。We have ladies' fashions to suit all shapes, sizes and pockets.本店有各种样式、尺码和价位的时尚女装。Falling rolls could lead to smaller class sizes.名单人数减少可以使班级规模小一些。There were several pieces of wood of different sizes.有几块不同大小的木头。




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