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词汇 beginnings
例句 His views come from his own humble beginnings.他的观点源于他卑微的出身。Her media empire grew from small beginnings.她的媒体帝国是从小公司发展起来的。The society had its early beginnings in discussion groups.这个协会是以讨论小组的形式发端的。She's not ashamed of her humble beginnings.她不为自己卑微的出身而感到羞耻。The company has really come a long way since/from its humble beginnings.这家公司起步很艰难,至今已有了很大发展。He rose from humble beginnings to great wealth.他出身卑微,如今已是腰缠万贯。He has risen up the social scale from rather humble beginnings.他从地位卑微的无名小卒开始打拼,获得了现今的社会地位。Iacocca rose from humble beginnings to become boss of Ford.亚科卡出身卑微,后来成了福特公司的总裁。I have the beginnings of a sore throat. 我的嗓子开始疼起来了。John Peace narrates his tale, taking us from his beginnings through university and professional training into his old age.约翰·皮斯向我们讲述了他的故事,从他早年的生活开始,后来上大学接受专业训练,一直说到他的晚年。He has built a huge business empire from humble beginnings.他白手起家创建了庞大的商业帝国。Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the company eventually became very profitable.尽管这家公司开初并不顺利,但最终还是很赚钱。He saw the beginnings of insanity in her.他在她身上看到了精神错乱的征兆。The organization had its beginnings in a small Midwestern town.这个组织最初成立于一个中西部小镇。You have the beginnings of a double chin.你开始有双下巴了。The beginnings of a moustache showed on his upper lip.他的上唇部位开始长胡子了。The book follows his political career from its humble beginnings to his election as president.本书记述了他从出身卑微到当选总统的政治生涯。But he had seen the beginnings of tears rimming her eyes.但是他看见泪水开始在她的眼眶打转。Although she's now rich and famous, she remembers her meager beginnings as a child from a poor family.尽管她现在名利双收,但她仍然记得作为穷苦家庭出身的孩子在起步时的艰难。He had the wispy beginnings of a beard.他新长出的胡须稀稀拉拉的。In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.事实上,他的从商生涯从一开始就明显前途无望。From these small beginnings it grew into the vast company we know today.这家企业从一点一滴做起,发展成为今天我们所知的大公司。I had the beginnings of a migraine.我有轻微的偏头痛。I had the beginnings of a headache.我有了头痛的先兆。The city had its beginnings in Roman times.这座城市起源于古罗马时代。The discussions were the beginnings of a dialogue with Moscow.讨论拉开了同莫斯科对话的序幕。Almost from its beginnings, New York has produced succeeding generations of intellectuals.几乎是从其存在之日开始,纽约就孕育了一代又一代的知识分子。




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