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词汇 sins
例句 He decided to do public penance for his sins.他决定为他的罪孽作公开补赎。Fitted carpets hide a multitude of sins.大小合适的地毯可把地板上的种种缺陷都掩盖起来。He is trying to wash away his sins.他正试图洗刷他的罪过。Everyone sins at some time, in thought if not in deed.人人都会犯罪,如果不是在行动上那就是在思想里。This carpet hides a multitude of sins.这块地毯遮盖了许多问题。He says that he volunteers at the homeless shelter as a way to atone for the sins of his youth.他说他自愿到流浪人员收容所工作以弥补他年轻时的罪过。I work at head office now, for my sins.现在我到总部上班了,真是自作自受。I'm now the person in charge, for my sins.现在由我负责,真是自作自受。We must repent of our sins/wrongdoings.我们必须忏悔所犯下的罪孽/过错。They would have to expiate their sins through suffering.他们将必须经历苦难来赎罪。Even politicians are not immune from the sins of the flesh.即使是政治家也难免犯下肉欲之罪。The preacher told us that we would be forgiven if we repented our sins.牧师告诉我们,如果我们忏悔自己的罪孽,就会得到宽恕。He repented of his sins before he died.他在死之前为自己的罪恶而忏悔。Idleness, in her book, was possibly the deadliest of the seven deadly sins.在她看来,怠惰可能是七宗罪之首。The holy water washes away their sins.圣水洗去他们的罪过。We must ask God to forgive us for our sins.我们必须祈求上帝宽恕我们的罪过。Our sons will pay for the sins of their fathers.我们的子孙将为他们父辈所犯的罪付出代价。She repented of her sins.她忏悔自己的罪孽。I confessed my sins to the priest.我向神父忏悔我的罪过。They had confessed their sins and done their penance.他们已经告罪并作了补赎。Long skirts hide a multitude of sins.长裙可以遮丑。My sins lie heavily on my mind.沉重的罪恶感压在我的心头。Let us now confess our sins to Almighty God.现在让我们向上帝忏悔我们的罪恶。He asked for forgiveness of his sins.他请求宽恕他的罪孽。The seven deadly sins are covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger, and sloth.七宗原罪是:贪婪、嫉妒、贪吃、淫荡、傲慢、愤怒和懒惰。Prayer can wash away your sins.祈祷能洗刷你的罪恶。 I was a Civil Servant, for my sins.活该,谁叫我是公务员呢。You just go to the church and confess your sins.你就去教堂忏悔罪过吧。He saw his suffering as retribution for the sins of his past life.他把遭受的痛苦看作是对他过去生活中所犯罪恶的惩罚。Some new paint on an old house can cover/hide a multitude of sins. 老房子刷些新漆,可以掩盖很多问题。I am a sinner and I need to repent of my sins.我是个罪人,必须忏悔我的罪过。Christians believe in the forgiveness of sins.基督徒信奉对罪孽的宽恕。I am bowed down by my sins.我为自己的罪孽感到不安。They smarted for their sins.他们因罪行深重遭受了酷刑。She has repented of her sins.她已经对自己的罪过忏悔了。The preacher told us that we would be forgiven for our sins if we repented.牧师告诉我们,如果我们忏悔,罪孽就能得到宽恕。We believe in the forgiveness of sins.我们笃信要宽恕他人的罪过。We have repented for past sins. Now it's time to move on.我们已为过去的过错忏悔,现在该移步前行了。He asks pardon for his sins and is purified through his repentance.他请求饶恕他的罪过并通过忏悔得到涤罪。We must do penance for our sins.我们必须苦修赎罪。




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