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词汇 singing voice
例句 As an actor he was unexceptional, but he had a beautiful singing voice.他是位演技一般的演员,但却有一副好嗓子。He has a lovely singing voice.他歌声优美。Her singing voice is bright and flexible, with rapt pianissimos and weighty top notes.她的歌声嘹亮而悠扬,其中既有令人着迷的轻柔音符又有浑厚的高音。She has a sweet singing voice.她的歌声非常甜美。She has a beautiful singing voice.她有一副甜美的歌喉。She has a lovely, rich singing voice.她的歌声动听而圆润。It was the kind of singing voice that marks someone out for a professional career.这种嗓音可以让人走上职业歌手的道路。He's got quite a low singing voice.他唱歌的声音很低沉。Nadine's daughter has an exceptionally fine singing voice.娜丁的女儿嗓音特别好。She had a wonderful deep, rich singing voice.她的歌声甜美,深沉而圆润。She has a lovely singing voice.她的歌声优美。She has a remarkably fine singing voice.她有一副非常好的歌喉。She has an idiosyncratic singing voice.她的歌声很独特。She has a wonderful singing voice.她有一副美妙的歌喉。Her singing voice is truly exquisite.她的歌声确实优美。Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.她的嗓音纯净、清澈。He has a wonderful singing voice, with a rich timbre and resonant tone.他的歌声真好听——音色饱满,声音洪亮。She has a very sweet singing voice.她的歌声十分甜美。He made a recording of her singing voice.他录下了她的歌声。




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