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词汇 endowed
例句 Jean-Pierre is endearing but not well endowed in the brains department.简·皮埃尔很惹人喜爱,但脑袋不是很聪明。She is endowed with a lovely character.她品格高尚谦和。He is endowed with an inventive mind.他天生具有发明才能。The rich alumnus endowed the college with half of his fortune.这位富有的校友把其一半的财产捐赠给这所大学。Human beings are endowed with reason. 人类天生具有理性。The wealthy couple endowed a new wing of the hospital.那对有钱的夫妇向医院捐赠了一座新翼楼。She is endowed with both brains and beauty.她生来聪明貌美。Nature had endowed her with exceptional vitality.大自然赋予了她极强的生命力。Hugh was young, handsome, and endowed with the privileges of class and education.休年轻英俊,生来就有贵族和教育的特权。It is a very well-endowed college.这是一所实力非常雄厚的大学。You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.你生来就拥有财富、健康和活跃的思维。You are endowed with wealth, good health, and a lively intellect.你生来就拥有财富、健康和活跃的思维。The country is richly endowed with mineral deposits.这个国家拥有丰富的矿藏。In a large, well-endowed school, the opportunities for laboratory work are likely to be greater.在一所规模庞大且资金充足的学校,可能会有更多机会参与实验室的研究工作。They are divinely endowed with those rights.上帝赋予他们那些权利。Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.她对民族主义者所作的抵抗使她享有盛名。He personally endowed a ward in Manhattan General Hospital.他个人资助了曼哈顿总医院的一个病房。She is very well endowed as a starlet.作为一个年轻女演员,她的先天条件特别优厚。Sardinia is generously endowed with prehistoric sites.撒丁岛上有很多史前遗址。A private benefactor endowed the new Chair of Japanese Literature.一位私人赞助者捐资设立了新的日本文学教授职位。Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.一些幸运之人生来就智慧和美貌并存。




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