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例句 Since you can't see, I'll give you a play-by-play.你既然看不到,我就边看边讲给你听。Since money was tight, we settled for a short trip to the south.既然钱紧了一点,我们退而求其次,来一趟短期的南部之旅。Since no one objected to her plan, she went straight on to talk about how to begin.因为没人反对她的计划,所以她就接着说如何实施这个计划了。Since he got his new job, he's been very full of his own importance.自从得到新工作以来,他总是自以为了不起。Since she lost her job Rosie's been a bundle of nerves.罗茜自失业后一直心神不宁。Since he met Sara, he's been walking around with his head in the clouds.自从遇见萨拉后,他便一直想入非非。Since her infancy she has been a healthy baby.她从婴儿时身体一直很健康。Since the closing of the coal mines the place has become a ghost town.自从煤矿关闭之后,这个地方就空无一人了。Since his illness, he is very much pulled down.他生病以后身体差多了。Since his retirement, Crowe has differed with the President on several issues.退休以后,克罗在好几个问题上都与总统意见相左。Since it was late she only gave the children a lick and a promise before bed.因为时间晚了,她在孩子们睡前只马虎地给他们洗一洗。Since his wife died, he's been living all by himself.自他妻子死后他就一直一个人生活。Since then things have gone steadily downhill.自那之后,情况一路直下。Since we're going out to dinner anyway, let's make an evening of it and go to a movie afterward.反正我们要出去吃晚饭,干脆我们就开心一晚上,吃完后再去看场电影吧。Since the separation they've each been seeing different people.自从分居以后,他们各自都在和别人交往。Since then, the contrast between his two careers has become even more pronounced.从那时起,他的两种职业之间的差距变得愈加明显。Since when do you have the right to tell me what to do?从什么时候起你开始有权对我指手划脚了?Since the controversial programme was broadcast, the station's mailbag has been bulging.自从那次有争议的节目播出后,广播公司的邮件数开始猛增。Since we put the advertisement in the paper we've had dozens of phone calls.自从我们在报上登了广告之后,我们收到了很多电话。Since you've accepted the invitation, I'll also accept it.既然你已接受邀请,那我也接受邀请。Since the last election, the pendulum of public opinion has swung back against the government.自从上次大选以来,公众舆论又转回到反对政府。Since I'll be away, I'd like to reschedule the meeting.既然我到时候不在,我想重新安排一下会议的时间。Since there were no witnesses, the police had little to go on.由于没有目击者,警察无以为据。Since the birds interbreed they cannot be classed as different species.由于这些鸟进行杂交繁殖,不能把它们归为不同的物种。Since the divorce, Linda's had a lot on her mind.离婚以后,琳达心事重重。Since the Convention was drawn up international opinion has begun to move against it.自从该国际公约起草之日起,国际社会就转而对其持反对意见。Since her illness, other people had no real existence for her.自从她生病后,其他人在她眼中都不存在了。Since morning,the wind has shifted about.从早晨开始,风向已经倒转过来了。Since its introduction last year, over a million copies of the software have been sold.自从去年首次面市,这款软件已售出一百万份以上。Since she knows little Italian, she keeps to herself.因为不怎么懂意大利语,她很少和人交往。Since the beginning of history, salt has been the only means of preserving meat, fish and vegetables.有史以来,盐一直是保存肉类、鱼类及蔬菜的唯一方法。Since earliest times, mankind has been fascinated by fire.人类自远古以来就对火很感兴趣。Since late last year the border area has been the scene of heavy fighting.自从去年年末以来,边境地区一直就是激战之地。Since the accident, the boy's parents have kept a constant vigil at his bedside.事故发生后,男孩的父母日夜守护在他的床边。Since then he has flown on combat missions and even done sentry duty.从那时起,他就执行作战飞行任务,甚至还放哨。Since she gave up smoking she's joined the anti-smoking brigade.自从戒烟后,她加入了反对吸烟的队伍。Since Donald lost his job, the hopes of our buying a house have receded even further.唐纳德失业后,我们买房子的希望变得更渺茫了。Since then the presses have scarcely stopped running.自此之后,印刷机几乎便一直不曾停过。 Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.自从出了车祸后,他一直不能独自行走。Since then, she's been more cautious.打那以后,她一直比较谨慎。




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