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词汇 impressive
例句 The fact that they'd written the play themselves made it all the more impressive. 这个剧本是他们自己写的,这一事实使它更加感人。What they promise sounds impressive enough - let's see if they come up with the goods.他们的承诺听起来很郑重——我们来看看他们是否会履行诺言。We stood and wondered at the impressive display of lights.我们站在那里,被这壮观的灯展惊呆了。Their results, even allowing for exaggeration, are impressive.就算是有所夸大,他们的结果也是令人印象深刻的。The group has an impressive record for giving early warnings of environmental hazards.该小组以往在提供环境灾害预警方面的表现令人印象深刻。Cutting the budget was an impressive accomplishment.削减预算是一项了不起的成就。The report seemed impressive at first, but on closer inspection there were several inaccuracies.初看报告似乎让人眼前一亮,但仔细查看就会发现有一些不准确的地方。Our department has had several impressive successes in the past year.我们部门在过去的一年里有过几次卓有成效的尝试。He had given a mightily impressive performance.他的表演让人印象极为深刻。A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel.大柱廊恰如其分地彰显了教堂入口的壮观。It's an undeniably impressive debut.毋庸置疑,这是一场了不起的首演。The team insured their victory with an impressive goal-line stand.球队以一次漂亮的球门线顽强防守确保了比赛的胜利。Her boyfriend is an impressive physical specimen.她的男朋友是体型很健美的那种人。The dictionary-making industry has already notched some impressive victories.辞典编纂业已取得了一些可观的胜利。The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey.这座英式亭阁是令人赞叹的钢和玻璃建筑,大小和威斯敏斯特教堂相当。The museum houses an impressive collection of jewels.这家博物馆收藏了一批令人惊叹的珠宝。Equally formidable is Microsoft, cutting its impressive swath through the software world.另一个巨人是微软,它是软件业的霸主。His book is an impressive achievement.他的书是一个了不起的成就。The singer's vocal gymnastics are impressive.这位歌手的演唱技巧令人印象深刻。It has turned itself into one of the sector's more impressive performers.它已经步入该领域佼佼者的行列。The new art gallery is impressive, but I felt the human dimension had been lost.新建的美术馆给人印象深刻,但是我觉得人性方面缺失了。The rich variety of animal life we found was very impressive.我们所发现的动物种类丰富,非常可观。The case for nuclear power is impressive.这个支持核能的案例令人印象深刻。The car's performance on mountain roads was impressive.这辆汽车在山路上的性能给人印象很深。Actor Brent Everett has impressive credentials.演员布伦特・埃弗里特的资历令人印象深刻。Liverpool are fielding an impressive team for tomorrow's game.利物浦将派出一支引人注目的队伍参加明天的比赛。It is an impressive directional debut, especially in respective of the performances she elicits from her cast.她导演的第一部作品令人印象深刻,尤其是在激发演员表演这方面。Their attempts were impressive but ultimately futile.他们的努力让人印象深刻,但终归徒劳无益。His credentials as a football manager are impressive.他作为足球教练的成就是令人钦佩的。Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,于是戏里专门为她加写了一个角色。His various achievements are most impressive.他多方面的成就给人以深刻的印象。The new building looks most impressive.新建的大楼蔚为壮观。The crowd was treated to an impressive display of tennis.人们欣赏了一场令人惊叹的网球赛。There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge.冰箱上显眼地摆放着许多药瓶。His record as coach is impressive – you can't argue with that.他的执教记录很出色,这点无可争议。There are some very impressive buildings in the town.镇上有一些非常雄伟的建筑物。The thoroughness of the evaluation process we went through was impressive.我们亲历的评估过程面面俱到,给人留下了深刻印象。The musical talent on display is extremely impressive.那突出的音乐天赋给人印象极为深刻。She had not had a very impressive school career up till then.在那以前,她在学校里的表现并不怎么样。The sheer scope of the project was impressive.项目的宏大规模令人惊叹。




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