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词汇 imprisoned
例句 They were imprisoned for illegally entering the country.他们因非法入境被关押起来。A serf could be imprisoned at a master's whim.农奴主可以随心所欲地关押农奴。Thousands of civilians were arrested, imprisoned and killed成千上万的平民遭到逮捕,关押并处决。Political dissenters were imprisoned.持不同政见者遭到监禁。The government imprisoned all opposition leaders.政府把反对派领导人全部监禁起来。He was imprisoned for his part in the bribery scandal.他因牵涉贿赂丑闻而入狱。The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.政府囚禁了持不同政见者,禁止出游,并且限制了新闻自由。He was imprisoned under sentence of death.他被判死刑,身陷囚牢。Henry was imprisoned on suspicion.亨利因涉嫌而被关押。During the war, he was imprisoned as an enemy alien.战争期间,他作为敌国侨民被关押。The man was imprisoned for larceny.那个人因犯盗窃罪而入狱。Enemy aliens were imprisoned during the war.战争期间敌国侨民遭到监禁。Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.数千名持不同政见者在最近几周遭到审问或拘禁。Pujol was imprisoned and tortured under the Franco regime.普约尔在佛朗哥政权统治时期受到了监禁和折磨。Red Cross officials condemned the treatment that imprisoned guerrillas have received.红十字会官员谴责了被关押的游击队员所遭受的待遇。Two of the boys have been imprisoned for theft.男孩中有两个因偷盗被监禁。He more or less imprisoned himself in his motel room.他把自己关在汽车旅馆的房间里,几乎足不出户。Many elderly people feel imprisoned in their own homes.许多老年人感到呆在自己家里犹如监禁。In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned.在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。She was imprisoned within his strong arms.她被他强壮的手臂搂着。He was imprisoned in a dungeon.他被关在一座地牢里。Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned.没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。Some of these old people are imprisoned in their own homes by the threat of violence on the streets.这些老人中,有的因为受到街头暴力的威胁就把自己关在家里,足不出户。The priest had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel.那位牧师因宣讲福音被关押。Citizens imprisoned for their political beliefs are powerless against the government.因政治信仰而入狱的公民无力对抗政府。He was imprisoned for six years for his part in the murder.他因参与谋杀被监禁了六年。At that time, the king could simply have his enemies imprisoned or shot.当时,国王可以将仇敌一下子关进大牢或者枪决。Last year, a civil servant was imprisoned for leaking a document to the press.去年,一名公务员因向报界泄露了一份文件而被判入狱。He has a brilliant mind imprisoned in an unhealthy body.他由于身体不好,才华无法发挥出来。Conrad had been imprisoned for a year for gaining money by false pretences.康拉德因为诈骗钱财已经坐了一年的牢。She began to fall apart when her son was imprisoned.当她儿子被关进监狱时,她开始崩溃。Her fear virtually imprisoned her in her home.她的恐惧实质上把她囚禁在家里了。Amnesty International launched a new campaign on behalf of people who have been unjustly imprisoned.大赦国际为含冤入狱者发起了一场新的运动。Many many years ago, glaciers imprisoned much of our planet's water.许许多多年以前,冰川把我们这个星球的大部分水源给堵塞了。Their leaders were arrested and imprisoned.他们的头目已被捕入狱。Unable to go out because of the deep snow, she felt imprisoned in her own house.她因雪深无法外出,感觉自己像被囚在了屋内。The criminal justice system is in need of urgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.刑事司法体制亟须改革,以防止更多人蒙冤入狱。The poor old fool was imprisoned on my account.这个不幸的老傻瓜因为我的原因入狱了。He had been imprisoned on a trumped-up charge.他以莫须有的罪名被捕入狱。Thousands of perceived enemies of the State were imprisoned.数以千计被认为是国家公敌的人遭到囚禁。




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