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词汇 silky
例句 The cat has a silky coat.这只猫的毛像丝绸一样柔滑光亮。He has such a silky smooth voice.他的声音如此柔美。Her silky blonde hair riffled in the breeze.她柔软的金发在微风中拂动。Persian cats have long, silky fur.波斯猫有一身柔软光滑的长毛。The dog's fur is silky soft.这只狗的毛像丝绸一样柔软光滑。This product contains avocado oil and shea butter to leave your skin silky smooth.这种产品含鲓梨油和牛油脂,可让你的皮肤如丝般光滑。Her hair was soft and silky.她的头发软软的,像丝绸一般。The dog has a soft, silky coat.这条狗有一身柔滑而有光泽的皮毛。I had the car for two years and enjoyed its excellent handling, quietness and silky gear change.这车我买了有两年了,它操控性极佳,噪音低,而且换挡流畅,我很喜欢。Her dress was a long silky affair.她的裙子长长的,有丝绸般的感觉。This kind of mixer produces light, silky, even-textured batters.这种搅拌机能搅拌出稀薄、柔滑、质地均匀的面糊。This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.这种动物的毛又短又密、丝般柔滑。Her head was covered with fine, silky hair.她有一头柔顺细发。The material has a silky feel.这种材料有丝绸一样的触感。Her skirt and jacket were made of smooth, silky fabric.她的裙子和上衣是用一种像真丝一样柔滑的面料做的。This lotion will make your skin feel smooth and silky.这种乳液会使皮肤光滑柔软。Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture.芦荟用于润肤霜中,赋予其美妙的丝滑质地。Underneath you will see soft silky fur, very different from the fur on the animal's back.你会看到这只动物腹部柔软光滑的皮毛和背上的皮毛大不相同。She has skin that's silky and unblemished.她的皮肤光洁无瑕。This cream makes even the roughest hands silky smooth.这种护手霜能让即使是最粗糙的手变得丝绸般细滑。He was a well-spoken man with a silky voice.他谈吐文雅,说话轻声细语。This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky.这款洗发水是果香型的,洗后头发如丝般顺滑。She has dresses in seductively silky fabrics.她拥有性感的丝绸连衣裙。This car gives a silky ride.这辆车行驶很平稳。The villain leans over and speaks to her in a silky persuasive voice.那个恶棍斜倚过来用一种软绵绵、甘言劝诱的声调和她交谈。This wine is medium-bodied, silky, and intriguingly complex.这种葡萄酒是中度酒体,口感柔滑,有复杂难解的谜人韵味。Her hair was very long and silky.她有一头柔软光洁的长发。Some people moved in silky, liquid movements, others were jerky, probably drunk.一些人动作平稳流畅,其他人则跌跌撞撞,大概是喝醉了。Its fur is short, dense and silky.它的毛又短又密,柔软光洁。Claire smoothed Katy's silky hair.克莱尔捋了捋凯蒂如丝般的秀发。You're so lucky to have such lovely, silky hair.你真幸运,有这样美丽光滑的秀发。I had the car for two years and much enjoyed its excellent handling, quietness and silky gearchange.我的车买了两年了,我非常喜欢它卓越的操控性,安静舒适的驾车环境和平稳流畅的换挡操作。She was wearing a long black dress made of some silky material.她穿了一条某种丝质布料做的黑色长连衣裙。




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