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词汇 sigh
例句 Laura shrugged, and gave a heavy sigh.劳拉耸了耸肩,重重地叹了口气。He heaved a sigh of relief when he found his wallet.他找到钱包时松了一口气。I couldn't repress a sigh of admiration.我忍不住发出一声赞叹。She let out her breath on a sigh.她叹息着舒了口气。I heard her fetching a deep sigh.我听见她发出一声长叹。When he left, Karen found herself heaving a huge sigh of relief.他离去后,卡伦发现自己如释重负,长舒了一口气。He squatted on the floor and gave vent to a deep sigh.他蹲在地板上,深深叹了一口气。She sat down with a weary sigh.她疲倦地叹口气坐了下来。With a resigned sigh she laid aside her book.她无奈地叹了口气,把书放到了一边。The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse.爷爷奶奶叹着气说情况变得如何如何糟糕。She breathed a sigh of relief once the work was done.这项工作完成后,她舒了一口气。Nancy heaved an inward sigh but did as her son suggested.南希心里叹了口气,但还是照她儿子说的做了。Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet.科利尔先生叹了口气,站了起来。There was an audible sigh of relief in Washington when the foreign ministers decided to postpone the meeting.各国外长决定推迟会议后,华盛顿如释重负。She let out a heavy sigh.她沉重地叹了口气。She fetched a sigh from her innermost being.她从心底里发出叹息。Greta fetched a huge sigh.格蕾塔大大地叹了一口气。He exhaled a sigh.他发出一声叹息。Aunt Jessica let out an inaudible sigh.杰茜卡姑妈无声地叹了一口气。Meer let out his breath in a long sigh.米尔长叹了一口气。We heard her sigh with relief.我们听到她宽慰地叹了一口气。A sigh escaped from her lips.她不由地叹了口气。Irene closed the door behind her and breathed a big sigh of relief.艾琳把门关上后大大地舒了一口气。She could barely repress a sigh of relief.她几乎抑制不住想舒口气。He let out an audible sigh.他发出了一声叹息。He let loose a long, deep sigh.他突然喟然长叹了一声。He received the news with a despairing sigh.他得到消息,绝望地叹了口气。We both heaved a sigh of relief when she left.她离开后我们俩都松了一口气。She finished the meal and sat back with a satiated sigh.她用完餐,往椅背上一靠,心满意足地叹了口气。She gave a sigh of resignation.她无奈地叹了一口气。Maurice allowed a pensive sigh to escape his lips as he turned away from the window.莫里斯从窗口转身走开时,不觉发出一声若有所思的叹息。She had to bear it and resigned herself with a sigh.她只好忍了,叹口气就罢休了。The country's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief.该国的政界人士均已松了口气。He let out a long sigh, mainly of relief, partly of sadness.他长叹一口气,主要是因为如释重负,也有一部分原因是伤心。John breathed an inward sigh of relief.约翰心里松了一口气。We all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.听说他们平安无事,我们都松了一口气。A heavy sigh came from her mother.她母亲深深地叹了口气。Rose heaved a sigh of relief at her luck.罗斯为自己的好运舒了一口气。She kicked off her shoes with a sigh.她叹了口气,甩掉了鞋子。He uttered a sound that was something between a sigh and a groan.他发出一个声音,又像是叹气,又像是呻吟。




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