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Customers are waiting impatiently for the delays to end.顾客们正在焦急地等待延误结束。Waiting for the result of the medical tests was sheer torment.等待医疗检查的结果简直就是一种折磨。The agonizing wait was finally over.这种折磨人的等待终于结束了。They were kept in suspense about joining the expedition for several weeks.他们焦急地等待了好几个星期,不知道能否参加探险。I will never forget the foreverness of that day of waiting.我永远忘不了那天没完没了的等待。A large number of families are still waiting to be housed.许多家庭仍在等待安排住房。He waited for her arrival with his heart in his mouth.他激动兴奋地等待她的到来。After waiting for an unconscionable amount of time, we were told to come back later.在漫长的等待之后,我们被告知以后再来。Foreign investors are waiting on election results there.外国投资者正在等待那里的选举结果。He was bailed pending psychological reports.在等待心理报告期间,他获准保释。Many firms are waiting for conditions to improve before they welcome any new employee aboard.许多公司都在等待条件改善,然后才能欢迎新雇员加入。My father says that all he did in the army was hurry up and wait.我父亲说,他在军队中做的唯一的事就是等待。The boxes were ready for transportation.这些盒子等待运输。The drivers raced their engines while waiting at the starting line.在起始线等待时,车手们让发动机高速运转。We've sold the house and are just waiting to complete all the legalities.我们已经把房子卖了,正在等待把所有的法律手续办完。She picked at the buttons on her jacket while waiting for her interview.等待面试的时候,她揪弄着夹克衫上的纽扣。None of us know what the future has in store.我们都不清楚等待我们的是什么样的命运。We're still waiting for the go-ahead from the Prime Minister.我们还在等待首相批准。He was waiting for her to make the first move. 他在等待她首先采取行动。We were glued to the television watching the election results come in.我们目不转睛地盯着电视,等待大选结果的揭晓。Waiting to become a father is one of the most nailbiting situations a man can face.等待做父亲是男人最着急的时刻。We're waiting to get the nod from the city to start the project.我们正在等待市政府批准开始这个项目。What awaited the politician was suspicion and unfriendliness from the local residents.等待这位政治家的是当地居民的怀疑和敌意。Wait several seconds before deploying the parachute.等待几秒钟,然后打开降落伞。Drivers have little recourse but to wait until the weather clears.司机们除了等待天气放晴外别无他法。Here, at long last, was the moment he had waited for.他等待已久的时刻终于到来。The runner was in a tense crouch, waiting for the signal to start the race.这名赛跑运动员肌肉紧绷着蹲伏就位,等待起跑号令。I am eager for the performance to begin.我热切地等待演出开场。He supped a glass of wine while waiting for his meal.他一边等待上餐,一边品葡萄酒。All this waiting is making me nervous.这种等待让我紧张。She stood waiting, in the dim light.她站在昏暗的光线下等待。Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.警察设伏等待那些在晚上跟踪目标伺机作案的歹徒。The conductor waited for the applause to die down before signalling for the orchestra to begin.指挥等待掌声平息下去才示意乐队开始演奏。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller.强盗们埋伏着等待袭击那位富有的旅客。Passengers were standing on the dock, waiting to board.乘客们站在码头上等待上船。Feverish preparations were being made for the arrival of the President.大家都在紧张忙乱地做准备工作,等待总统的到访。The Prime Minister faces anxious hours before the votes are counted tomorrow night.在明晚计票完成之前,首相将面临数小时的煎熬等待。The plane continued to circle the airport, waiting for permission to land.飞机继续在机场上空盘旋,等待得到允许降落的命令。They waited for Owen's arrival.他们等待欧恩的到来。Flemma said that a reliable mechanical device was needed for the thousands of patients who die while awaiting human heart transplants.弗莱玛说有成千上万的病人在等待做心脏移植手术时死去了,因此需要一台性能可靠的机械设备。 |