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词汇 shrapnel
例句 A doctor probed deep in his shoulder wound for shrapnel.一位医生伸进他肩膀伤口的深处寻找弹片。He was hit in the arm by flying shrapnel.他被流弹片打中了手臂。A piece of shrapnel ripped a fist-sized hole in his chest.榴霰弹片穿过他的胸口,形成拳头般大的一个窟窿。An air strike left him with shrapnel lodged in his chest.一次空袭过后,有块弹片嵌入他的胸部。He has a piece of shrapnel in his leg.他的腿上有一块弹片。The rocket sent shrapnel in every direction.火箭把弹片打得四处横飞。The driver of an evacuation bus was wounded by shrapnel.一辆疏散大巴的司机被弹片炸伤。He took shrapnel to his leg.他腿部被弹片击中。He had some shrapnel lodged in his right arm which had to be taken out.他右臂嵌有一些弹片,必须得取出来。The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway.爆炸后飞溅出的炸弹碎片洞穿了拥堵在公路上的车辆车身。The bomb exploded, sending shrapnel flying through the trees.炮弹炸了,弹片飞过树林。The platoon leader was hurt by a piece of flying shrapnel.排长被飞来的炮弹碎片打伤了。He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade.他被手榴弹的弹片击中了。He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel.他两条腿都受伤了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。She still has shrapnel in her left arm.她的左臂上仍有弹片未取出。




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