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词汇 show up
例句 He waited in hopes that she would show up.他等待着,希望她会出现。He showed up for the interview wearing some grungy old sweatshirt and jeans.面试时,他身穿又脏又破的长袖运动衫和牛仔裤出现在大家面前。Donald showed up with a woman called Pandora, whose beauty was on a par with any film star.唐纳德带来了一位女子,名叫潘多拉,长得就像电影明星一样好看。I waited for an hour but she didn't show up.我等了一个钟头,但她没有露面。We didn't realize that he had quit, until he didn't show up at work that day.我们不知道他已经辞职了,直到那天他没来上班才知道。They rushed the burial through so no evidence would show up.他们仓促举行了葬礼,掩盖了所有证据。Scientists know that cancer may not show up for many years.科学家们知道癌症可能会潜伏多年。Professor Haines finally showed up wearing a badly creased suit with stains on the front.海恩斯教授终于来了,穿着一套皱得不成样子的衣服,而且衣服前面污渍斑斑。Use a light colour which will show up on a dark background.使用浅颜色,这样在深色背景上会比较显眼。A grand total of six people showed up for the lecture.总共有六个人出席了这次讲课。Only a handful of people showed up for the lecture.只有少数人前来听讲座。The writing didn't show up very well on yellow paper.笔迹在黄纸上不太显眼。He showed up at the party with a young woman on his arm. 他挽着一个年轻女子出现在聚会上。The few times he did show up, he was late.他的确露过几次面,但都迟到了。A lot of big names showed up at the gallery opening.许多名人出席了美术馆的落成典礼。Seth showed up, apologising for being late.塞思来了,道歉说来晚了。Everyone showed up except Jack.除了杰克以外所有的人都来了。I intend to show up this liar.我打算揭发这个说谎者。White shows up well against a blue background.经蓝色的背景一衬托白色更为醒目。To his amazement, she didn't show up.令他诧异的是,她居然没到场。We expect a goodly number of people to show up.我们希望能有很多人来。Everyone promised they would come, but in the end only Ted and Jack showed up.每个人都答应要来,但最后只有特德和杰克到场。We won the game by default when the other team failed to show up.对方球队没有到场,我们因对方弃权赢得了比赛。You ever show up again, I'll have the police on you.如果你再露面,我会让警方跟踪你。She showed up at the party sporting a bright red hat.她戴着一顶鲜艳的红帽子出现在聚会上。Everyone was very worried when John didn't show up.约翰还没有来,大家都很担心。The whole family showed up for our anniversary celebration.全家人都来参加我们的周年庆典了。At midnight Joanne's boyfriend showed up drunk.半夜时分琼的男朋友突然来了,喝得醉醺醺的。The sunlight showed up the marks on the window.太阳光把窗户上的污点显了出来。You could wait till Doomsday and he'd never show up.你可以永远等下去,但他是不可能出现了。The people who showed up for the concert certainly got their money's worth.去听了那场音乐会的人一定觉得物有所值。I made the assumption that he was coming, so I was surprised when he didn't show up.我原以为他要来,所以他没露面令我感到很意外。Recently her name has showed up a lot in gossip columns.最近她的名字常在漫谈栏里出现。They showed up at the party in the same exact outfits.他们穿着一模一样的衣服出现在聚会上。His failure to show up bodes us no good.他没有露面对我们是不祥之兆。The event was canceled at the last minute when the speaker didn't show up.这个活动因发言人没到场在最后一刻取消了。It's my sister's birthday party. She'll be very disappointed if I don't show up.这是我姐姐的生日聚会,要是我不到场,她会非常失望。What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。The telescope is so powerful that it can show up galaxies billions of light years away.这架望远镜性能强大,可以使人看见数十亿光年外的星系。Rita finally showed up with a bunch of her friends.丽塔终于来了,还带了她的一大帮子朋友。




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