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例句 In general, the survey showed problems with postnatal hospital care.总体而言,调查显示医院的产后护理存在问题。She showed great resolution in her dealings with management.她与管理人员打交道时态度十分坚决。The vessels showed no signs of any progress of the disease.从脉管上看不出病情有进一步发展的迹象。The picture showed the hand of a master.这幅画显示了高超的技艺。A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker.一项新的宠物普查显示,猫的数量略微超过了狗的数量。He showed me some software that answered my requirements exactly.他给我看了一些正符合我要求的软件。Unfortunately, on Friday night he showed neither decency nor dignity.不幸的是,周五晚上他表现得既不得体,也不庄重。He showed a polite interest in her story.他出于礼貌对她的故事表现出兴趣。She showed great discrimination in rejecting the poor quality teas.她在剔除劣质茶方面显示出高超的鉴别力。They showed courage in the face of danger.面对危险他们表现出了勇气。He showed absolutely no signs of weariness.他毫无倦意。The lights showed faintly through the mist.灯光在雾中隐隐显露。He showed good judgment in deciding not to invest in the project.他决定不对那项工程投资,这说明他的判断力很强。She took me under her wing and showed me how things were done.她很关照我,并亲自给我做示范。They showed no repentance during their trial.在他们受审的过程中没有表现出一丝悔意。He showed little relish for the job. 他不喜欢这份工作。He brought his permit forth and showed it to the policeman.他取出执照给警察看。The forensics showed he was at the scene of the crime.司法鉴定结果显示他曾出现在犯罪现场。They showed the theory to be faulty.他们证明了该理论是错误的。They showed great courage and determination.他们表现出巨大的勇气和决心。The woman's face showed no emotion.那个女人面无表情。The soldier showed absolute fearlessness of danger.这位士兵显示了对危险的毫无畏惧。They showed an action replay of the goal.他们用慢镜头重放了进球的精彩瞬间。He showed me wherein I was wrong.他向我指出了我错在哪里。The government of Jordan showed considerable resilience in this hostage crisis.约旦政府在这次人质危机中展现出相当的弹性。He showed a complete contempt for other people's feelings.他全然不顾其他人的感受。Tests showed high radon levels.试验表明氡含量较高。She had chosen a colour that really showed the dirt.她选的颜色很不耐脏。The team showed great character in coming back to win.该队反败为胜,显示了顽强的毅力。The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力。When we packed up the tent in the morning, he showed me bear tracks, saying " That was a close one!"我们早上收帐篷的时候,他一边让我看熊的足迹,一边说:“好险!”He showed his approval by smiling broadly.他持赞成的态度,这从他开心的微笑就看得出来。A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.一项调查表明,人们对该吃什么才能保持健康这个问题感到困惑。Newly discovered evidence showed that there had been a miscarriage of justice.有新发现的证据表明存在着司法不公。They showed little eagerness for the fight.他们对这场争斗几乎没有任何热情。You're late. Anyways, at least you showed up.你迟到了。不管怎么说,你至少还来了。She showed a patent disregard for everyone's feelings.她对所有人的感受都表现出明显的不屑一顾。She showed us the old capital building and other points of interest.她带我们参观了旧市政大楼和其他景点。Tests showed that the machine is prone to failure/fail.测试表明这台机器易出故障。They took note that she showed no surprise at the news of the murder.他们注意到她对谋杀的消息一点都不感到惊讶。




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