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词汇 be finished
例句 They put a clause in the contract stipulating that the work should be finished by next month.他们在合同中立了一项条款,规定工作应在下月底前完成。The way things are going, I should be finished by next week.从现在事情进展的情况来看,我下周就会完成。The building must be finished by the date agreed.大楼必须在商定的日期竣工。Look, I'll stick my neck out and say it'll be finished by tomorrow evening.看,我甘冒风险,说明天晚上以前会把它完成。We'll be finished in a day or two. = We'll be finished in a couple of days.我们会在这一两天完工。Admittedly I didn't get as much work done as I'd hoped this morning, but it should be finished soon.今天早上我做的工作的确没有原来所希望的多,但应该很快就能完成了。We've broken the back of it now and we should be finished by Friday.我们现在已经完成了绝大部分,星期五之前应该能全部完成。The film will be finished within its budget.电影将在预算之内拍摄完成。Come summer, all the building work should be finished.到夏天,所有建筑施工都应该完成。The work has to be finished today. Understand? 这项工作今天必须完成,听明白了吗?The job must be finished within a month at the very outside.这项工作最迟必须在一个月内完成。They said they would be finished before long.他们说很快就可以完成。We reckon to be finished by this afternoon.我们希望今天下午完成任务。If you'd done your work instead of wasting time on your phone, you'd be finished by now.如果你当时继续工作而不是浪费时间玩手机,你现在已经完成任务了。He won't be finished for at least an hour.他至少要过一个小时才能结束。I'll be finished in a minute.我几分钟以后就会结束。One suspects he will be finished with boxing.人们猜想他不会再打拳了。In this area, emergency food aid is likely to be finished within days.这地区的紧急救援食品可能几天之内就要用完了。We are going on the assumption that the work will be finished tomorrow.我们是在根据明天可以完工这一假定行事。My house will soon be finished.我的房子将很快建成。The work won't be finished for another three months at best.这项工作最快也要再干三个月才能完成。The mending must be finished in her free time.缝补工作一定是她在空闲时间完成的。At the rate they're going, they'll be finished by tomorrow.以他们目前的速度,他们在明天前可以完成。The house should be finished by the middle of next summer.房子应该在明年仲夏时完工。It'll be finished by Christmas, please God.上帝保佑,这会在圣诞节前完成。The contract contains a guarantee that the building will be finished within 6 months.合同里含有大楼将在六个月内竣工的保证。I should be finished work by noon. Would you like to get together then?到中午我应该把工作做完了。到时候你愿意聚一聚吗?If you want to be finished by Monday, you'll have to get your act together.你如果想在星期一之前完成,就得作出合理安排。Once the scandal breaks, he'll be finished as a politician.丑闻一旦败露,他的政治生涯就完蛋了。Marguerite was sent abroad for a year to be finished.玛格丽特被送到了国外完成当年学业。Difficult or not, the task has to be finished in two hours.不管难不难,这工作须在两小时内完成。The new building is projected to be finished in the fall.新大楼预计秋季完工。Sick your brother on some of the work so that it can be finished on schedule.这工作叫你兄弟也做一点,这样就可按时完成了。We need to have more realistic expectations about when the house will be finished. 对于房子何时竣工,我们的期望值要更加实际些。They promised that the work would all be finished by next week.他们保证到下星期完成全部工作。They're playing bridge now. They'll be finished soon.现在他们正在打桥牌,很快就要结束了。The arena won't be finished until private donors fork over more money.体育场要等有了更多的私人捐助才能建成。Progress was slow, fueling concerns that the stadium would not be finished on time.进度很慢,加深了人们对体育馆能否按时完工的担忧。The work had better be finished before tomorrow, or I'll know the reason why.这活儿还是今天干完它为好,如果拖到明天我要查究的。Unless there are any unforeseen problems the whole project should be finished by the spring.除非出现什么意外情况,整个工程应该在春季前完工。




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