例句 |
The lightning short-circuited the TV.闪电使电视机短路了。He almost electrocuted himself when his lawnmower short-circuited.剪草机短路了,他差点儿把自己电死。The power of his poetry was short-circuited by mannerisms.他的诗的力度由于过分讲究表现手法而大为减弱。The lawyers short-circuited any attempt to sue the company.律师们阻止了对这家公司的所有起诉。I short-circuited the whole process by a simple telephone call.我只打了个简单的电话就搞定了,绕过了整个程序。Once inside they short-circuited the electronic security.一旦置入,它们就会使电子安全设施短路。The lamp must have short-circuited.电灯肯定短路了。The owners short-circuited the required inspection.业主避开了必要的检查。Then the whole thing short-circuited and there was a mighty explosion.接着发生了短路,随着是一次大爆炸。 |