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词汇 shortage
例句 The government admitted that there was a petrol shortage, but warned people against panic buying.政府承认汽油短缺,但告诫人们不必抢购。There is a shortage of suitable farmland in the south of the country.国家的南部地区缺少可耕地。There is a shortage of water in many areas of the world.世界上许多地区都缺水。Researchers found an almost total crop failure and a severe shortage of drinking water.研究者们发现作物几乎颗粒无收,并且饮用水严重短缺。There is a chronic shortage of teachers.师资短缺的问题长期存在。There are several possible explanations for the current oil shortage.针对当前的石油短缺,有几种可能的解释。The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space.显示问题可能是硬盘空间不足造成的。The rapid growth of population led to an acute shortage of housing.人口的迅速增长导致了住房的严重不足。There is a world shortage of fuel.全世界都缺少燃料。The fuel shortage brought the country to its knees within weeks.燃料短缺使整个国家在几周内陷入了瘫痪。The main difficulty is a shortage of time.最大的困难是时间不够。The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long.市政府长期以来对教师资源匮乏问题不予重视。There is a shortage of nurses and doctors in this area.这一地区医护人员紧缺。We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel.我们苦于严重缺乏燃料。A shortage of resources has led to a cutback.资源匮乏已导致减产。The school's reasonably well off for books and equipment but there is a shortage of staff.该学校书籍和设施相当充裕,但人手不足。Panic buying turned the shortage into a crisis.恐慌性抢购使这种短缺变成了一场危机。We have a shortage of technically skilled workers.我们缺少技术熟练工人。The recent panic over/about unsafe drinking water resulted in a shortage of bottled water in the stores.近期饮用水不安全引起的惶恐导致商店瓶装水短缺。The oil shortage sent prices soaring.石油短缺造成物价飞涨。The shortage of water is beginning to cause widespread concern.缺水开始引起普遍忧虑。The shortage of airfields gave particular concern.机场不足引起了极大的关注。There is a shortage of new comedy talent coming through.罕有新的喜剧人才成长起来。There is a shortage of donors for liver transplants.缺少肝脏移植的器官捐赠者。If we do have a serious oil shortage, there will be rolling blackouts.假如我们弄到确实严重缺油的地步,那就将轮流停电。The shortage of teachers is tied up with the issue of pay.师资缺乏和工资问题有密切联系。The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage.私宅中可用房间数的增加缓解了客房总体不足的问题。The shortage of power dims the streets.由于电力不足,街道昏暗。Many industries are reporting a shortage of skilled labor.许多行业都说缺乏熟练工人。The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water shortage.最近几场大雨有助于缓解缺水的情况。There is a shortage of homes for rent.缺乏供出租的房屋。The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.由于缺少优质股,一些投资人不愿涉足股票市场。The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.该国的水资源匮乏可能会带来灾难性的后果。The farmers suffered a severe drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the markets.农民遭受严重的干旱,结果造成市场上食品匮乏。Inflation and the shortage of banknotes has forced factories to pay their workers in kind.通货膨胀和纸币短缺使工厂不得不以实物抵付工人的工资。Any shortage could push up grain prices.任何一种短缺都会抬高粮食价格。His invention eased a critical explosives shortage.他的发明使炸药的严重短缺得以缓解。There is no shortage of financial firepower to fund atomic research.原子能研究不愁没有财力资助。A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.资金短缺使联合国无法督导救援工作。In parts of Africa there is a severe food/water shortage.非洲的一些地方存在严重的粮食/水资源短缺问题。




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