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例句 A pinhole above the door's center seemed an imperfection of the material.门正中上方的一个小孔看上去像是材料的缺陷。Mrs Jackson, a widow who kept herself to herself, lived in the flat above.杰克逊太太是个离群索居的寡妇,她住在上面的套房里。A long scream sounded from somewhere above.从上面什么地方传来一声长长的尖叫。Her name comes above mine on the list.名单上她的名字列在我的前面。These writers stood out above the rest.这些作家比其他作家突出。The Romantic writers valued feeling above all else.浪漫派作家重视感觉超过其他一切。The flag above the grandstand caught the last of the sun.夕阳的余辉落到看台上空的旗帜上。Contact any of the above for more information.如想获得更多信息,可联系上述任一联系人。The song hovered, like a whispered benediction, above the crowd.歌声缭绕在人群上方,如同低声祝福。People who look after other people's money should be above suspicion.看管他人钱财的人必须是绝对可靠的。When he stood up he towered above her.他站起来时比她高出一大截。It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero.这是晚冬阳光明媚的一天,温度只有零上几度。During my last year of college, I lived in a little apartment above a grocery store.我在读大学的最后一年,住在一家杂货店楼上的一套小公寓房里。My left thigh had ballooned just above the knee, making climbing difficult.我的左大腿靠近膝盖部分肿了起来,使我感到攀登困难。Victoria Falls has had above average levels of rainfall this year.维多利亚瀑布今年的降雨量超过了平均水平。The tall building stood towering up above its neighbours.这座大楼高耸于左右邻屋之上。The bird circled above looking for prey.鸟在空中盘旋寻找猎物。A gymnast has to be flexible above all else.体操选手必须比其他人身体更柔韧。I can't reach it; it's well above my head.我够不着,它高出我脑袋许多。Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man.从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。Shall I write my name on, above or below the line?我该把名字签在横线线上,横线上方,还是横线下方? The wind-chimes jangled gently in the tree above us.风铃在我们头顶的树上发出轻柔的叮当声。This was clearly a failure by someone who thought he was above failure.这显然是认为自己根本不会失败的人所遭遇的一次失败。According to the British royal system, a laird ranks slightly above a gentleman but lower than a baron.依英国皇室体制,地主的位阶比绅士高一些,但低于男爵。A crack had started to appear just above the light on the ceiling.灯具上方的天花板上已经出现了一道裂缝。We are pleased by his success, but we worry that he might be getting above himself.我们为他的成功感到高兴,可是我们也担心他会自高自大。She stowed her luggage on the rack above her head and then sat down.她把行李放在头顶上方的行李架上,然后坐了下来。There's a mirror above the sink.洗碗槽上方有面镜子。The pit props were placed only a foot or two apart, to support a mile of rock above them.矿井里每隔一两英尺就有一根支柱,用来支撑上面一英里厚的岩石。All that sort of thing is well above my head.那种事都是我所不懂的。His integrity is above question.他为人的正直不容置疑。Max is hardworking, cheerful, and above all honest.马克斯工作努力、性格开朗,最重要的是为人诚实。Eileen's not above flirting with the boss when it suits her.艾琳在适当的时候也会和老板调调情。The eagle soared above us.老鹰在我们上空飞翔。A police helicopter hovered above, floodlighting the area.一架警用直升飞机在上空盘旋,并用探照灯照亮该区域。She ranks above any other musician of her generation.在她那一代,她是最好的音乐家。The helicopter hovered above the airstrip.直升机在简易机场上空盘旋。The entire wing was pivoted above the fuselage.整个机翼通过枢轴安装到机身。Tall skyscrapers loomed above us.高大的摩天楼在我们上方赫然耸立。They have put their heads way above the parapet, and campaigned openly against the government.他们冒险公然发动了反政府运动。




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