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词汇 severity
例句 She tried to infuse as much severity as possible into her gentle voice.她尽量想在自己温柔的嗓音里多掺入几分严厉的口气。The school is well known for its severity.那所学校以严格著称。She wagged her finger with mock severity.她故作严厉地摆了摆手指。We are in a life and death situation. So, please do not understate the severity of the problem.我们正处于生死关头,所以,请不要低估问题的严重性。Treatment of the disease depends on its severity and duration.这种病的治疗方法取决于病的严重程度和持续时间的长短。He suffered from measles of particular severity.他患了异常严重的麻疹。Richter invented the scale by which we measure the severity of earthquakes.里克特发明人们用以测量地震强度的震级。In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced: male and female, strength and compassion, severity and mercy.在他身上,生命的两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈。The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.这种药能降低发病次数和严重程度。Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.还有他的态度,那是一种幽默与严厉的奇异混合。The disease ranges widely in severity.这种病的严重程度千差万别。She addressed the man with great severity.她非常严肃地与男子说话。The medicine can reduce the severity of symptoms.这种药能减轻症状。The price rise affected the Third World Countries with special severity.价格的上涨对第三世界国家的影响尤为严重。She was visibly shaken by the severity of her sentence, and left the court in tears.量刑之重显然使她大受打击,她哭着离开了法庭。The tone of Helen's voice approached severity.海伦的语气近乎严厉。Survivors sustained injuries with differing degrees of severity.幸存者都受到不同严重程度的伤害。The severity of the disease varies.这种病在各人身上表现的轻重程度不一。Treatment varies according to the severity of the symptoms.症状严重程度不同,治疗方式也有所不同。Napoleon had not reckoned with the severity of the Russian winter.拿破仑没有考虑到俄罗斯冬季的严酷。Like most cases of extreme weather, its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events.如同大多数极端天气情况一样,其严重程度是由数个异常气象条件汇聚在一起造成的。Our boss alternates kindness with severity.我们的老板时而和蔼,时而严厉。The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.主教说他对如此重的量刑大为震惊。The sentence passed today reflects the severity of the crime.今天通过的判决表明罪行十分严重。At first, they didn't understand the severity of the problem/situation.一开始,他们没有认识到问题/局势的严重性。We were shocked at the severity of the penalty.我们对惩罚之重感到吃惊。We didn't realize the severity of her illness.我们没有意识到她病得如此严重。Because of the severity of the accident, the patient required hospitalization.因为事故严重,病人须留院治疗。The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于人体的自然肤色。Medication helps lessen the severity of the symptoms.药物治疗有助于减轻症状。Believers were treated with the same severity as the Christians had been a few years earlier.和几年前的基督徒一样,信徒们受到了同样严厉的对待。The average speed of the vehicles correlates closely with the severity of the accident caused.平均车速与所引起事故的严重程度密切相关。He spoke with great severity.他说话口气非常严厉。Prompt action can often reduce the severity of shock in road accident victims.立即采取行动常可以减轻车祸受害者所受打击的严重程度。There was a gross disparity between the pettiness of the crime and the severity of the sentence.罪行之轻与量刑之重之间极为不对等。Several drugs are used to lessen the severity of the symptoms.使用了几种药以减轻症状。The new drug lessens the severity of pneumonia episodes.新药减轻了肺炎发作时的痛苦。The mountains had an ethereal hue with a clearness almost polar in its severity.这些群山有一种永恒的色彩,明亮的程度近乎于极地。When women started working in offices, they opted for severity in dress in order to imply sobriety.女性开始在办公室上班后,就会选择朴素而简洁的着装,以看上去持重冷静。




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