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词汇 set to work
例句 He shucked his coat and set to work.他脱掉了外套开始工作。After extensive reading on the subject she set to work on an article.对该主题进行广泛的阅读之后她便着手写文章了。The camp set to work digging latrines.营地士兵开始动手掘坑厕。Why don't we set to work really early, and try to get it finished in one day?我们为什么不一早就开始,在一天之内把它干完呢?He set to work harrying people for donations.他开始不停地游说人们捐赠财物。They set to work to paint the outside of the building.他们开始粉刷大楼的外墙。Visitors were set to work chopping wood.游客们被安排去劈柴。All joking apart, we should set to work immediately.说正经的,我们得立即开始工作。He's about to set to work on a second book.他打算开始写第二本书。On Sunday I hauled the Rotavator out and set to work.周日我拖出旋耕机,开始工作。They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data.他们开始累积大量的资料。He returned to America where he set to work on a new novel.他返回美国,开始写一部新小说。I desire you to set to work at once.我希望你立即开始工作。Encouraged by her example, they all set to work with a fresh sense of purpose.在她的榜样的鼓舞下,他们都怀着新的使命感投入到工作中。Workmen had already set to work to clear the fallen trees.工人们已经动手清理倒下的树木。He set to work with real goodwill.他认真努力地干了起来。Then he set to work laying siege to her with letters.接着他给她写信,向她展开攻势。She set to work with a vengeance and finished the job in two hours.她全身心投入工作,两个小时便完成了。Jamie rolled up his shirtsleeves and set to work.杰米卷起衬衣袖子开始干活。I was set to work dusting the bookshelves.我被安排做清除书架尘土的工作。Once in power, the government set to work on major reforms to the tax system.政府一上台就开始进行重大的税制改革。The boys were set to work collecting firewood.男孩子们被打发去拾柴火。They set to work with a will.他们劲头十足地开始工作。They set to work as soon as they arrived.他们一抵达就开始工作。She set to work on the project immediately.她立即着手这一项目。He immediately set to work on the project.他立即开始着手这个项目。




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