例句 |
He bumped into the table and knocked over the candle.他撞到了桌子,把蜡烛碰倒了。Mind you don't knock the candle over.当心别把蜡烛碰倒。Isabel rose so abruptly that she knocked down her chair.伊莎贝尔起得太急了,以致碰倒了她坐的椅子。She knocked over the lamp.她把那盏灯碰倒了。I accidentally knocked the vase over.我不小心把花瓶碰倒了。Be careful or you'll knock the vase over.当心点,不然你会把花瓶碰倒的。He accidentally bumped the table and upset a lamp.他不小心撞到桌子,碰倒了一盏灯。He knocked over the jug by accident.他无意中碰倒了罐子。 |