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词汇 settle
例句 They hoped to settle the matter without recourse to law.他们不希望诉诸法律来解决此事。Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.贝姬不愿意专情于某一个男人——她太喜欢同时和几个人谈情说爱了。We aim to settle all valid claims in a timely manner.我们力求做到及时处理所有有效索赔。He refused to settle for anything that was second best.他拒不接受不是最好的东西。I really must settle down to some serious work.我真的需要安静下来做些正经事了。Let your stomach settle before having anything to eat.要等胃舒服了再吃东西。Please settle your account the evening before you check out.请在退房前一晚结账。I want $2000 for my car and I won't settle for less.我要两千美元才卖车,低于这个价我可不要。It enabled its members to settle their differences without recourse to war.这样,其成员就可以不必诉诸战争来解决分歧。It didn't take Charlie long to settle into his new job.查利没过多久便适应了新工作。We will have to let the dust settle a bit and make a considered judgement.我们必须待事态平静一些后再作出深思熟虑的判断。They would settle for nothing short of total independence.他们只有得到完全独立才肯罢休。England will have to settle for third or fourth place.英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名。The management has made no move to settle the strike.资方没有采取措施解决罢工问题。They refuse to commit, refuse to settle down.他们拒绝作出承诺,拒绝安定下来。Both wanted to settle their scores.双方都愿意捐弃前嫌。It takes a few months to settle into life at college.适应大学生活需要几个月时间。The management asked experienced workers to settle their new girls in.管理部门要求有经验的工人帮助新来的女工们适应工作。Okay, class, settle down and open your books.好了,同学们,安静下来,打开书本。I gave him a pill to settle his stomach.我给他服了一粒药丸以缓解他的胃部不适。Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.弗吉尼娅是个完美主义者,她根本不愿意拿任何普普通通毫无特色的东西将就。I hope you can see your way clear to settle the matter.我希望你能设法解决这件事。The duo set up a scam to settle their respective debts.那对搭档设了一计以消除各自的债务。These insurance companies take forever to settle a claim.这些保险公司要拖很久才支付索赔款项。It was too warm for the snow to settle.天太暖和了,雪都积不起来。They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation.他们同意通过谈判来努力解决纠纷。These little details I leave behind for you to settle.这些细节我留给你去料理。He was anxious and couldn't settle.他焦急万分,不能平静。We move house on Friday, but we'll take another week to settle in.我们定于星期五搬家,可是要再过一星期才能安顿下来。They must settle it themselves.他们必须自己解决这件事。They may have to call in a mediator to settle the strike.他们可能只得请求调停人来平息这场罢工。Don't settle for second best.不要退而求其次。If the kids don't settle down soon, I'll go up and read them the riot act.如果孩子不马上安静下来,我就会上去严厉地警告他们。All systems settle down after a time.所有系统都要经过一段时间才会稳定。She was looking for a chance to settle old scores with her brother.她在寻找机会跟她哥哥算旧帐。He took a long time to settle in to big-time football.他花了很长时间才在顶级足球联赛站稳脚跟。He won't settle for second best.他不会退而求其次的。A good-faith effort has been made by both parties to settle.双方都作出了真诚的努力解决问题。She kept fussing around, refusing to let him settle.她不停地在边上瞎捣腾,就是不让他清静。I must settle all my affairs before leaving.我在走之前一定要把所有事情都安排好。




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