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Ambition and self-confidence came naturally to Sergei.谢尔盖天生就雄心勃勃、充满自信。He dismissed all their objections with a breezy self-confidence.他轻松自信地逐一驳回他们所有的异议。He ruined her self-confidence with a few well-chosen words.他仔细斟酌过后说的几句话使她失去了自信心。She was born with a healthy dose of self-confidence.她天生就充满自信。The success further inflated his self-confidence.那次成功使他进一步自我膨胀。If you stand up straight you'll give an impression of self-confidence even if you're quaking in your boots.要是你站得笔挺,就算实际上怕得要命,你都会给人留下非常自信的印象。His strong handshake betokens his self-confidence.他有力的握手显示出他的自信。Increased self-confidence can help improve academic achievement.增强自信心有助于提高学习成绩。His failures chipped away at his self-confidence.屡次失败逐渐削弱了他的自信。Her encouragement gave me a lot of self-confidence. 她的鼓励给了我很多自信。She possesses a self-confidence that borders on arrogance.她的自信接近于自大。He needed a generous helping of self-confidence to ask for a raise.他需要有双倍的自信才能提出加薪的要求。He's new in the job but he has plenty of self-confidence.他在工作中是新手,但他很有自信。She had an air of self-confidence that he admired.她有一种令他羡慕的自信。The course I took in public speaking has really improved my self-confidence.我修读的演讲技巧课程确实提高了我的自信。He lacks the self-confidence to speak his mind.他缺乏自信,不肯说出自己的想法。With an air of self-confidence, he walked directly to the big machine.他带著自信的神情,径直朝那台大机器走去。Jealousy is, at bottom, a lack of self-confidence.嫉妒本质上是缺乏自信。She gradually gained in self-confidence and ability.她的自信心和能力在慢慢提高。Her self-confidence will grow alongside her technique.随着她的技术不断提高,她会愈发自信。He's not the most talented player, but he doesn't want self-confidence. 他不是最有天分的选手,但却很有自信。With the end of my love affair, I lost all the self-confidence I once had.恋爱告吹后,我一时间自信全无。Cracks began to show in his façade of self-confidence.他自信的外表下开始露出破绽。The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence.男孩子们得到的鼓励使他们更有自信。He hasn't got much self-confidence.他不大有自信。Studies show that girls tend to lose some of their self-confidence in their teenage years.研究表明,女孩子在十几岁时会丧失部分自信。Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.许多十几岁的孩子既缺乏自信又不够懂事,所以感情上十分脆弱。Focus groups revealed that teenagers who had higher self-confidence were more likely to use contraception.焦点小组调查发现,自信心较强的青少年更有可能采取避孕措施。Her self-confidence will develop alongside her technique.随着她的技术不断提高,她会愈发自信。Students who get some kind of work experience develop greater self-confidence and better communication skills.有工作经验的学生会更自信,具备更好的沟通技巧。Living away from home has given him renewed self-confidence.离家独立生活使他重新获得了自信。During adolescence, boys are sometimes very shy and lacking in self-confidence.青春期的时候,男孩子有时很害羞,而且缺乏自信。Nothing fazes her self-confidence.什么也不会影响她的自信心。He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor.他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信。The first thing that struck me about Alex was his amazing self-confidence.关于亚历克斯,我首先想到的是他惊人的自信。Her encouragement helped to give me back my self-confidence. 她的鼓励帮助我找回了自信。I seem to have lost all my self-confidence.我好像已经自信全无。A few kind words might boost her self-confidence.几句关切的话也许就能使她增强自信。The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence.小男孩受到的鼓励会增强他们的自信心。As a child, she was extremely needy and had no self-confidence.她小的时候,缺乏自信,极其需要关怀。 |