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词汇 self
例句 He told police that he had acted in self-defence.他对警方说他的行为是出于自卫。He was patient, self-controlled, and temperate in his habits.他向来有耐心,有自制力,而且性情温和。I lost my job, but not my self-respect.我失去了工作,但没失去自尊。His face was aflame with self-contempt and embarrassment.他的脸因自卑和尴尬而涨得通红。She told herself that she must try and learn from his criticism, rather than wallowing in self-pity.她告诉自己必须从他的批评中吸取教训,不要自叹自怜。He felt self-reproach concerning his mother's death.他为母亲的死亡感到内疚。We want more support for the self-employed.我们希望能给个体户更多支持。He came home from hospital cured of the disease but a shadow of his former self.他病愈出院回家,但身体已大不如从前。She has a positive/negative/strong/poor self-image.她自我印象积极/消极/良好/不佳。She gradually gained in self-confidence and ability.她的自信心和能力在慢慢提高。Children who have a positive self-image are less likely to present behaviour and discipline problems.自我感觉良好的孩子较少出现行为和纪律上的问题。She was supremely self-confident, with the gift of being able to talk on any subject whenever the camera was rolling.她极其自信,具有在镜头前谈论任何话题的天赋。The idea of a square circle is self-contradictory.正方形的圆这个概念自相矛盾。The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.面试显示出她是个自信成熟的学生。He was too self-centered to notice how unhappy Ruth was.他只顾自己,没有注意到露丝是多么的不开心。His wife's practical capacity was for him a matter for continual self-congratulation.他妻子的精明能干是他经常为自己庆幸的一桩事。He was interested in service, not self-aggrandisement.他热衷于服务他人,而不是追求更高的名利。They have made great strides towards self-sufficiency.他们在自给自足方面已取得了很大的进步。Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent.他看上去不大自在,好似一个局促不安的少年。He was full of anxiety and self-loathing.他心中充满了焦虑和自我厌恶。Studies show that girls tend to lose some of their self-confidence in their teenage years.研究表明,女孩子在十几岁时会丧失部分自信。Blow away the cobwebs and revamp your self-image.清醒一下头脑,并改换自我形象。Any holiday in the USA and Canada is enhanced by renting a self-drive car.租车自驾绝对会使在美国和加拿大的度假更加愉快。The secret of true happiness consists of self-discovery and self-development.真正幸福之秘密在于发现自己的能力和机会并加以发展。It requires self-denial.它要求有自我牺牲的精神。They have inherited timidity and self-doubt from centuries of subordination.由于几百年来处于唯命是从的地位,他们从祖先那里继承了怯懦与自我怀疑。How can I stay here and keep my self-respect?我怎么才能既呆在这儿又保持自尊呢?He self-consciously smoothed his hair.他特意把头发弄顺滑了。We stand for self-reliance.我们主张自力更生。I really wanted to learn self-defence.我曾很想学习自卫术。Increased self-confidence can help improve academic achievement.增强自信心有助于提高学习成绩。I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.在卢克母亲审视的目光下,我感到极不自在。The Government was dominated by self-important eggheads.政府被一群自以为是的书呆子控制着。Like many self-educated men he has a certain do-it-yourself incisiveness.就像许多自学者一样,他有一股百事不求人的敏锐。They intend to be self-financing within a year.他们打算在一年内实现经费自给。He started to get self-conscious about his weight.他开始对自己的体重敏感起来。Being manly meant being physically courageous and self-assured.有男子气概意味着要勇敢自信。At school he was popular and self-confident, and we weren't surprised at his later success.在学校的时候,他很受欢迎又很自信,所以对他以后的成功我们丝毫不感到惊讶。The task was self-evidently impossible.很显然,这项任务是不可能完成的。




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