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词汇 seething
例句 He clenched his fists, seething with anger.他紧握拳头,怒火中烧。The island is seething with tourists. 这个岛上的游客络绎不绝。Bruno was absolutely seething.布鲁诺简直是怒火中烧。She was seething with anger and filled with revenge fantasies.她怒火中烧,满脑子都是复仇的念头。Every weekend the beach is a seething mass of people.每当周末,海滩上总是一片密密麻麻的人群。We found ourselves in the middle of a seething crowd.我们处在川流不息的人群里。His brain was seething with ideas.他的脑子里点子很多。Madrigueras station was a seething mass of soldiers.马德里古埃拉斯车站到处都是士兵。She was seething at the insult.听到这些辱骂,她愤怒不已。Bobby drove home seething after his terrible humiliation at the party.博比在聚会上受到极大的羞辱,忿忿地开车回家了。She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.她起初平静地接受了,但内心却气呼呼的。The bus station was a seething mass of people.公共汽车站密密麻麻全是人。The country was seething with discontent and the threat of revolution was real.这个国家积聚着不满情绪,革命的威胁真实存在。The station was a seething mass of soldiers.车站聚集了大批士兵。A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check.表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。I was seething with rage.我怒火中烧。He couldn't contain his seething emotions.他无法控制自己激动的情绪。Inwardly she was seething, and vowed to get back at him.她内心愤怒至极,发誓要报复他。The nation was seething with political unrest.这个国家因政治骚乱正动荡不安。The country was seething with political unrest.该国政治动乱四起。The field was seething with crickets.田野里到处都是蟋蟀。He was still seething with angry frustration.他心里仍因受到挫败而满含怒气。By the end of the meeting he was seething.会议结束时他气呼呼的。Bars and restaurants were seething with customers.酒吧和饭店里都是人挤人。He dodged amongst the seething crowds of men.他在川流不息的人群中东躲西闪。The cellar was seething with spiders.地窖里爬满了蜘蛛。He is seething at all the bad press he is getting.他正为所有那些关于自己的负面报道窝着一肚子火。




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